Does anyone know a murderer? or have had an encounter with one? (1 Viewer)

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i put 5 slugs in him without hesitation from 10ft-8-6-4-2ft.
That would make a BIG mess, ground hamburger.

I went to school with a lot of Indians ( feather not dotted ). Anyways, I can't recall his name ( they all seemed to have names like; Joe Steps In Deer Shit or Darcey 2 Dogs Fucking )......anyways, so the one I knew ( murderer )- I had auto class with - what a cunt. Big Mean bully bastard. One day I turn on the news and there he was. Such is life.
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Somewhat rancid; allegedly.
Well.....some years ago I was writing prisoners from Us, to do something good and nice for people less fortunate than me.
I dont think they count as "real" killers. Like they did it on purpose like cartels.
I was at one point considering to write a serial killer....out of curiosity of what was going on inside his head.

One guy was jailed since he was 16 for sitting in a car with a dude who went and murdered another. He is still in prison. Wrote eachother for 3 years. Then i got tired of his angry attitude. He still writes me and actually just got mail from him. Thinking of reading it.

The other dude drove into a woman and her daughter who was out jogging. He was drugged up. And then fled and was caught 50m away. Killed one of them. Cant really remember who.
Raging nazi, i found out when he started sending me shirtless pictures. Nazi tatts.

So i met one of my ex'es while he was "tied up" in a bed and under 24/7 surveillance, door always open and he was cussing out the at first "FUCK YOU CUNT" when i walked by. He was cute and meek as a lamb with me. A little snugglebug. Very loving and caring.

I didnt understand why the staff kept moving me from ward to ward to try and spilt us up.
Until years later where one of them told me, they feared for my life, because he was extremely dangerous to everyone else. And she actually asked me if he ever hurt me.
Hey, I hope you're doing well, did you read the message I sent?
Went to school in the 90’s with a kid who him and his best friend went to kill a rival gang member at the rivals house….They mistakenly killed the rivals brother, when the rivals brother answered the door. The guy, now in jail, later killed his best friend to prevent him from testifying…..He shot both in the face….Dumped them both in vacant houses.



While I've never met someone who actually killed someone, my cousin is on prison for an attempted murder that she committed when I was in fifth grade. I was never really close enough with her to notice anything different about her, or maybe I was just too young & naive.
i went to school with a murderer, i live in england and it was my 3rd school after being kicked out of 2 other schools. it was a unit type of thing for bad behaviour. a year after i left the school said person stabbed a man in the head, this was because the victim was feeding a homeless man and then said murderer and a group of boys decided to steal the food he was given and throw it on the floor. the man then went out to help / defend the homeless guy that was given food and the said murderer went home, retrieved a knife and stabbed him in the head im pretty sure. the murder weapon was never found and he was only caught and arrested due to snapchat messages and bragging etc

he never had a violent background, he wanted to act like he was a gang member however was never a bad kid. he just wanted to prove himself and the murder had no validity… weird


My whole team overseas…..we killed ion pure judgement calls….it’s not like today where you have to get 20 approval’s before taking a shot. Sand Niger middle aged looking suspicious and appears to be hiding something, kill him. Sand Nigers rolling up behind us in their shit cars, unload the 50 into their windshield…..Sand Nigers not getting out of the way, run them over or ram them….it was the Wild West back then


Will County Adult Detention Facility 2016/7 B Pod 11 months. 5 murders and 1 guy who worked for the govt who killed multiple people. Shane Smith murdered and dismembered his mother (Joliet Illinois) Frank murdered his party n play lover when he threatened to tell his wife and kids. 3 others but I don't remember their names nor cases.....


While I've never met someone who actually killed someone, my cousin is on prison for an attempted murder that she committed when I was in fifth grade. I was never really close enough with her to notice anything different about her, or maybe I was just too young & naive.
You’ve passed serial killers and didn’t even know it, statistically

Wee Ginger Pirate

I'll plunder your booty
Childhood friend done 12 for stabbing a guy twice, he died days later. TBH you think ohhh murderer but in reality its still the scrawny cheeky lad that has to use weapons to fight.


While I've never met someone who actually killed someone, my cousin is on prison for an attempted murder that she committed when I was in fifth grade. I was never really close enough with her to notice anything different about her, or maybe I was just too young & naive.
I grew up in a ghetto area in London. Naturally ghettos have a high crime rate so this was not different. A lot of the people I’ve went to school with are either dead or locked up for murder. I’d say within the last year 3 people that I knew have been murdered and 1 was convicted for murder. It’s tragic as it just gets swept under the rug to make London seem less gritty


My ex wife’s sister and her husband murdered their kid and bother died of sids but we all know they shook him
While I've never met someone who actually killed someone, my cousin is on prison for an attempted murder that she committed when I was in fifth grade. I was never really close enough with her to notice anything different about her, or maybe I was just too young & naive.
Yes , I had some classes in High School with Ken Register. Google him. He was a twisted fuck!


Shane Smith, murdered and dismembered his mother. Met him in jail when his conviction came up for appeal. Joliet Adult Detention Facility 5.2016/4.2017.... HAY SHANE!!!
Then there was Frank who murdered his gay party n play lover who did 5 years in jail and took a guilty plea in place of 10÷ years for murder. You can do that so long as it is your first offense.....

I grew up with a dude that was quartered and just destroyed by another guy I knew. It was the MMA fighter murder in Del Norte County CA. The victim - as I remember was always a rebellious type, mohawk homeschool. But the dude that killed him was just fucking nuts. He dated a sister of my ex so I hung out with him a bit. Just a fucking tall, weird dude - shaved his head to look like a monk. When he killed my friend he was speedbaling, took some mushrooms, and was taking steroids. He fucking raped my friend, cuts off his arms and legs and his tattoos, fed those to the dogs. All while the victims gf was in the bathroom, on shrooms, listening to all this. When the cops got there dude was covered in blood, naked, and had one of Taylors eyes in his hand. That absolutely fucked our entire community, Crescent City is a super small place.

Murder is fucking stupid, if you're that bored just fucking kill yourself. Please.
Which Cresent City? Illinois?

Paul Hanlon

Whent to jr. High/ High School with his brother. Nice guy. Paul, I worked with briefly in the 1980's at Whiteys Hot Dogs in Tinley Park, Illinois. Paul murdered his mother and 2 sisters, one of which I met, was a book worm.
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Hates the living, loves the dead
Lived with a kiwi for about a year, who was always quietly wierd around women. Thought nothing of until he moved out and few months later strangled a workmates mother to death.


Forum Veteran
While I've never met someone who actually killed someone, my cousin is on prison for an attempted murder that she committed when I was in fifth grade. I was never really close enough with her to notice anything different about her, or maybe I was just too young & naive.
I met Hillary Clinton in 2012 in Kabul. Lizard people are real.


I knew a guy he was a friend and neighbour, he stabs an old man over 80 Times into his neck and face. I talked to him through the closed door and he said im fine but i Just killed one.