How is that Animal Nightmares Forum still up? (1 Viewer)

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It's a lie, because lobsters can't actually scream and don't have lungs the way we have them! They don't even have the mouth parts to form any sort of noise. If you ever hear a 'scream' from boiling lobster, it's actually steam escaping from the shell as it's cooked.
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Oh, I know that... I was asking is it a lie about how if I scramble their "brain" first with a needle which I seriously doubt I can find correctly in my kitchen through their exoskeleton, it helps them to not feel the "pain" associated when I then throw them into the boiling water?
Is that just to make me feel better & most likely it's samsies either way?

Dead Christ

Saw It Coming
Oh, I know that... I was asking is it a lie about how if I scramble their "brain" first with a needle which I seriously doubt I can find correctly in my kitchen through their exoskeleton, it helps them to not feel the "pain" associated when I then throw them into the boiling water?
Is that just to make me feel better & most likely it's samsies either way?
Ummm yeah I've never heard of that, the most humane way I've heard is dipping their head in first because it kills them instantly. If it helps you feel any better, they're not sure what they're looking at or what's really happening. Those bitches probably just think about sand and their next meal. Don't worry bro you're not going to lobster hell


Ummm yeah I've never heard of that, the most humane way I've heard is dipping their head in first because it kills them instantly. If it helps you feel any better, they're not sure what they're looking at or what's really happening. Those bitches probably just think about sand and their next meal. Don't worry bro you're not going to lobster hell
I hope you're right but, I am now allergic to shell fish supposedly, doc said allergy tests are only 85% at best & only worry they will seek further revenge for all the delicious lobsters I murdered & ate.
It's like they've all ready tried though, I ended up in the ER & everything. They were their fam, I get it. 🦞
I've nvr heard of the head dip method.

Dead Christ

Saw It Coming
I hope you're right but, I am now allergic to shell fish supposedly, doc said allergy tests are only 85% at best & only worry they will seek further revenge for all the delicious lobsters I murdered & ate.
It's like they've all ready tried though, I ended up in the ER & everything. They were their fam, I get it. 🦞
I've nvr heard of the head dip method.
I'm also allergic to shellfish, never stopped me from eating them though :cartman:


I'm also allergic to shellfish, never stopped me from eating them though :cartman:

👀 Ohhh, like to take chances I see. Aren't you scared? Does it make it taste better?
My doc did say if I really wanted to eat some I can take benadryl before, wait 45m, & chance it. Benadryl makes me sleepy though so I don't but, I do miss shell fish. Do you have an epipen? 🧐

Dead Christ

Saw It Coming
👀 Ohhh, like to take chances I see. Aren't you scared? Does it make it taste better?
My doc did say if I really wanted to eat some I can take benadryl before, wait 45m, & chance it. Benadryl makes me sleepy though so I don't but, I do miss shell fish. Do you have an epipen? 🧐
I'm not THAT allergic, but I may just have to try benadryl... I've been rawdogging shrimp my whole life.


I'm not THAT allergic, but I may just have to try benadryl... I've been rawdogging shrimp my whole life.
Well that's good you aren't but, it is a progressive affliction & you should ask your doc but, they will tell you the same I imagine.
Mmm shrimp. 🤤 I miss shrimp too. 😒 Fuck, now I'm hungry.


Jessica Fletcher. 🍳

𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕𝚊 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑.
How do you draw a line at animal abuse when you use this site like everyone else lol
Because an animal likes to go out, bit of attention and food and they are happy as Larry, like a retard or a toddler say, I certainly don't wanna see what I've seen done in animal abuse videos, even before I can back out of it (like speedy fuckin gonzales) done to them either.

The people making this crush fetish shit need hunted down n' funkytownin'
Lol where is the line for animal abuse? Are these videos of animals being tortured for entertainment or are they just being slaughtered at farm for meat and fur? You gotta clearly define animal abuse because us farmers already get enough shite from these peta folk thinking eating meat is the definition of animal abuse. Like I’m all for not torturing animals, don’t get me wrong, but I also raise my own meat and find great purpose in it. I don’t want to loose the ability to educate myself for free on proper dispatch methods just because some people can’t handle seeing a bunny or goat get killed.
I saw a gore compilation once ages, a deers head exploded I assume from a gunshot, it was shocking to see that close up, anyway I just carried with the compilation and later on a guy threw a stone at a cows head, the cow will have maybe been fine later on the deer definitely wasn't but, the cow made me angrier.
I can understand people wanting to hunt something to a degree (even if it's just because they can) but just being cruel for kicks is where I draw the line.
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Dead Christ

Saw It Coming
A lot of you feel for animals and I get it but you continue to eat processed meats which are obtained in horrible ways from a pussy stand point imo
People who get sad at animals being killed for no reason are heartfelt and have at least an innate sense of empathy. People who get sad from eating animals which we (and every other carnivore on the planet) have done since the beginning of time tells me you're a vegan who probably tries to feed a vegan-only diet to your dog and pats yourself on the back for your activism, and then doesn't actually do any sort of real action towards the better treatment of animals in the product industry.


A lot of you feel for animals and I get it but you continue to eat processed meats which are obtained in horrible ways from a pussy stand point imo
Eating animals are a part of nature. Animals and humans alike consume meat for survival. We are not always going to be aware of everything including an animal's pre-surroundings, pre-conditions Etc. But I can tell you this, I try my hardest to be selective on where I get the meat. I purchase mine at the same place, most of us have for years. Family-owned business where it has been known.
I am very aware on how many animals are mistreated. We are reminded about it daily, we can't help but be aware it.
We can do what we can to attempt to stop it and decrease how much it happens as much as possible.
But I me, I will never be 100% under control. It's an unfortunate truth about the world we live in.
I'd drive myself insane if I thought about it 24/7. But if I can help. Then I must at least try. In any way that I actually can and are able to.


Virtual Insanity
Eating animals are a part of nature. Animals and humans alike consume meat for survival. We are not always going to be aware of everything including an animal's pre-surroundings, pre-conditions Etc. But I can tell you this, I try my hardest to be selective on where I get the meat. I purchase mine at the same place, most of us have for years. Family-owned business where it has been known.
I am very aware on how many animals are mistreated. We are reminded about it daily, we can't help but be aware it.
We can do what we can to attempt to stop it and decrease how much it happens as much as possible.
But I me, I will never be 100% under control. It's an unfortunate truth about the world we live in.
I'd drive myself insane if I thought about it 24/7. But if I can help. Then I must at least try. In any way that I actually can and are able to.
Nothing can be perfect ig. Thank you for ur insight tho !


People who get sad at animals being killed for no reason are heartfelt and have at least an innate sense of empathy. People who get sad from eating animals which we (and every other carnivore on the planet) have done since the beginning of time tells me you're a vegan who probably tries to feed a vegan-only diet to your dog and pats yourself on the back for your activism, and then doesn't actually do any sort of real action towards the better treatment of animals in the product industry.
Humans didn't actually eat meat from the beginning of time. It's actually why currently the human body craves plant proteases to aid in the digestion of animal proteins i.e. wanting to put katchup on eggs but, once humans did, our brains took a huge leap forward.
I don't mind vegans, I respect their decision to try to not consume any animal products (very hard to do actually) but, they shouldn't be trying to force it on others & even their "pet" dogs which I find it a little hypocritical they would "own."
None of the vegans I know act like that thankfully.


Rockin' the Boat
Living Things
Living ThingsSentient?
GrassVery unlikely
TreeVery unlikely
Very unlikely

This all boils down to consciousness and how self aware certain creatures are. Stamping on an ant is unlikely to cause it any suffering, because ants lack the "complex neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates, which manifest in more complex organisms." Source.

Stamping on a dog can be seen as cruel because dogs are more complex organisms than ants, but a dog is unlikely to suffer the levels of stress that a dolphin or a human would encounter at being stamped to death, because dogs can't reason. That's not to say they don't suffer, but they won't suffer as much as a human does.

We have the ability to 'put ourselves in their shoes', but it's misguided to imagine ourselves as a cat or a dog because they have no sense of self. When a cat looks in a mirror, it sees another cat, it doesn't understand that it's looking at itself. A gorilla sees it's reflection, and knows 'that's me'.
Therefore, to get so angry at animal abuse, but not as angry when the same abuse is leveled at a human, is unbalanced and misguided.

Gore is gore. It's fascinating for a number of reasons, and I personally don't give a rats ass if I'm seeing a human, a dog, a baby or an ant getting stamped to death. They're all just as shocking (well, maybe not the ants), but it's the human's that people should be pissed about, a lot more than the animal. People get too mixed up emotionally when it comes to animals, and the only winners are those fuckers like PETA who think they have the moral superiority to decide on what the fuck I'm allowed to watch.

Jon N.

Forum Veteran
I watch some videos on YouTube about morbid realities I suppose you'd call them.
It's been driving me crazy ever since I discovered that this place exists....
Some recent video that circulated the web I believe originated from there.
If that Luka was caught, the child harming forum was taken down Etc. Now at this point, we know it is possible.
And is being done...
Animal Abuse is now not just a fined penalty and is considered a crime and, in many states, due for jail time.
The thought has come across my mind that it is bait, and it is up merely to track abusers down.
I don't understand it. 😠😥
I think its a federal crime for Animal abuse, meaning severe penalties if caught.


🖤 Dead 🖤
Super Moderator
Living Things
Living ThingsSentient?
GrassVery unlikely
TreeVery unlikely
Very unlikely

This all boils down to consciousness and how self aware certain creatures are. Stamping on an ant is unlikely to cause it any suffering, because ants lack the "complex neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates, which manifest in more complex organisms." Source.

Stamping on a dog can be seen as cruel because dogs are more complex organisms than ants, but a dog is unlikely to suffer the levels of stress that a dolphin or a human would encounter at being stamped to death, because dogs can't reason. That's not to say they don't suffer, but they won't suffer as much as a human does.

We have the ability to 'put ourselves in their shoes', but it's misguided to imagine ourselves as a cat or a dog because they have no sense of self. When a cat looks in a mirror, it sees another cat, it doesn't understand that it's looking at itself. A gorilla sees it's reflection, and knows 'that's me'.
Therefore, to get so angry at animal abuse, but not as angry when the same abuse is leveled at a human, is unbalanced and misguided.

Gore is gore. It's fascinating for a number of reasons, and I personally don't give a rats ass if I'm seeing a human, a dog, a baby or an ant getting stamped to death. They're all just as shocking (well, maybe not the ants), but it's the human's that people should be pissed about, a lot more than the animal. People get too mixed up emotionally when it comes to animals, and the only winners are those fuckers like PETA who think they have the moral superiority to decide on what the fuck I'm allowed to watch.
So, in other words you like to see animals stomped to death? :facepalm:

Pm Me Ur Clunge Plz

My mum has one leg
This user was banned
Living Things
Living ThingsSentient?
GrassVery unlikely
TreeVery unlikely
Very unlikely

This all boils down to consciousness and how self aware certain creatures are. Stamping on an ant is unlikely to cause it any suffering, because ants lack the "complex neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates, which manifest in more complex organisms." Source.

Stamping on a dog can be seen as cruel because dogs are more complex organisms than ants, but a dog is unlikely to suffer the levels of stress that a dolphin or a human would encounter at being stamped to death, because dogs can't reason. That's not to say they don't suffer, but they won't suffer as much as a human does.

We have the ability to 'put ourselves in their shoes', but it's misguided to imagine ourselves as a cat or a dog because they have no sense of self. When a cat looks in a mirror, it sees another cat, it doesn't understand that it's looking at itself. A gorilla sees it's reflection, and knows 'that's me'.
Therefore, to get so angry at animal abuse, but not as angry when the same abuse is leveled at a human, is unbalanced and misguided.

Gore is gore. It's fascinating for a number of reasons, and I personally don't give a rats ass if I'm seeing a human, a dog, a baby or an ant getting stamped to death. They're all just as shocking (well, maybe not the ants), but it's the human's that people should be pissed about, a lot more than the animal. People get too mixed up emotionally when it comes to animals, and the only winners are those fuckers like PETA who think they have the moral superiority to decide on what the fuck I'm allowed to watch.
That's all well and good, but it's a universally known fact that humans suck absolute balls, so it's only natural to care more about animal abuse. Most humans deserve it quite frankly.