ISIS In Iraq & Syria (1 Viewer)

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from Syria in Deir ez-Zor (near Iraq) it's the clan Shu 'aytat (captured last week. here some photos captured from a video (not release))


Fresh Meat
Say what you want about them but they're fighting their war in the traditional way, they are depopulating the lands they intend to occupy and seed with their legacy. Baghdad is the great prize.


We are Kings
The Mongolian hordes cutting a path through Samarkand comes to mind.
Mongols had enemies as tough as them, whom they conquered with awesome military strategy, the kinda shit sun tsu approves of.
outstanding obedience and firm discipline provided the backbone for their military
Please do not associate those fine historical warriors with a bunch of hairy rapists driving a toyota with a mounted machinegun, fighting with soviet era weaponry they can't even aim properly. ISIS is a bunch of fucking stone age cunts who should be burned in piles like logs


Well Oiled Member
Mongols didn't rape? They didn't kill women and children? Idk if we're talking about the same barbarians.


Well Oiled Member
Samarkand was a soft, decadent civilization compared to the Mongols who survived winters on the steppes by burning horse shit in tents made from horse shit.


We are Kings
Mongols didn't rape? They didn't kill women and children? Idk if we're talking about the same barbarians.
Samarkand was a soft, decadent civilization compared to the Mongols who survived winters on the steppes by burning horse shit in tents made from horse shit.
They were smelly beasts, yes. And they took out European heavy calvary. The tanks of the period, without Russian weapons. ISIS run around with machine guns yelling allah akbar into two way radios while blowing up checkpoints, tanks, people, army barracks etc without following through with an assault to take immediate advantage of the situation. Go on youtube, It's like watching monkeys with guns. Assad is just as dumb sending in tanks with no infantry. There are 40,000 yazidis hiding up in the mountains from ISIS, they escaped slaughter by waiting until dark and walking out of their villages with their shit. It's not a fucking army it's a bunch of rented mules like the afgani's who fight on a seasonal basis. The mongols were organized, rape and pillaging aside, and look what they got in the end. These guys are still fighting for the same fucking town as 3 years ago.


Fresh Meat
Whatever you think of them their intentions are clear and there is nothing short of a direct confrontation with an army of equal size that will stop them. Not to mention they are directly supported by Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, those new Toyota trucks didn't just appear out of the desert.


Well Known Member
Take these assholes lightly at you own peril, Osama Bin Laden looks like Mr. Rogers compared to this groups leader. Bomb these fuckers back to Allah!


Well Known Member
Whatever you think of them their intentions are clear and there is nothing short of a direct confrontation with an army of equal size that will stop them. Not to mention they are directly supported by Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, those new Toyota trucks didn't just appear out of the desert.
Qatar gov totally rejects any type of terrorism, they negotiate peace talks and prisoner releases. Any type of fanaticism in Qatar is quashed by the government there. They are very moderate and very wealthy. Private citizens perhaps, state sanctioned funding no way!


Whatever you think of them their intentions are clear and there is nothing short of a direct confrontation with an army of equal size that will stop them. Not to mention they are directly supported by Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, those new Toyota trucks didn't just appear out of the desert.

it's not this group who is supported by the west or Saudi Arabia. and ISIS hate the king of Saudi, and Saudi just gave $1,000,000,000 to Lebanon to fight ISIS. it's the FSA (Al Nusra) who receive monney from these countries

and just this pic, its obv a photoshop with the king of Saudi, made by IS member, retweet a lot by terrorists ISIS
roi arabie fake.png


We are Kings
Hamas orders by force for Palestenians to stay in the buildings that Israel had even warned they will hit. This is the consequence,Fakestenians shaking dead babies for the news cameras.
What does that have to do with ISIS lol