Most Goreish Thing You've Seen in The Real World (with your own eyes) (1 Viewer)

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I'm a doorman, i see disgusting shit every night. Drunk people are fucking animals.

Aftermath of a jumper off a bridge was probably the worst tho. Missed the river and hit the pavement.
Thought it was a car crash the noise it made.
But then the screaming started.

Jumpers don't splat, they bang.

Who knew?


Solía recoger cadáveres cada pocas semanas que habían sido atropellados por trenes. Hice eso durante 12 años
trabaje en una casa funebre,de albañil unos 3 años...a veces me tocaba ayudar a bajar cuerpos de la van,un dia enviaron una familia entera dentro de bolsas,los habia atropellado un tren y los arrastro 400 metros,no se sabia quien era quien,si arrojabas un pollo a esa bolsa no te darias cuenta de la diferencia...cosas muy impactantes para una criatura de la zona rural de argentina como yo.


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Well, I've seen my mom, dad, sister, and sister in law in caskets. I mean, that's pretty normal stuff there, but when you have a life time of memories with someone you care about and then suddenly just see them lying there like a stuffed animal, so you poke at them and they still just lie there so very different than you remembered them...that's pretty bad...


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trabaje en una casa funebre,de albañil unos 3 años...a veces me tocaba ayudar a bajar cuerpos de la van,un dia enviaron una familia entera dentro de bolsas,los habia atropellado un tren y los arrastro 400 metros,no se sabia quien era quien,si arrojabas un pollo a esa bolsa no te darias cuenta de la diferencia...cosas muy impactantes para una criatura de la zona rural de argentina como yo.
Yup it’s like that . I’ve held every organ and body part in my hands .


Food Stepper
So i was in a rest area few years ago. It's crowded, full of kids running around. I'm relaxing in there until i heard a very loud child scream. I look at where it come from and my God, that was scary as fuck. He's bleeding all over his left eye, blood everywhere, in the carpet, floor, his hands. I asked some people what happen, turn out this boy playing with his friend too cheerfully and fall into floor 2, in a stacks of unused chairs and hit his eye (yes they're playing around the stairs in 3rd floor). All i could do is hoping this poor kid safety and his wounds be healed after this years.
So, there is a lot of gore and the like on here...and we have all seen a lot, for whatever reason we are here. But what is the most goreish thing you have actually seen through your own two mince pies? I shall start you off with Civvy Street, I was walking home, from a night out in Manchester, through Moss Side/Hulme and saw a flash of light, a loud bang and a hooded figure run off...I continued on my way and there was this young black dude on the grass verge with half his head missing and brains splattered on the grass. As is customary, I crossed the road and continued on my way, absolutely nothing to do with me...I ain't getting involved (I was only 17 at the time too). His death didn't even make it into the Manchester Evening News....what a pointless existence. And the most goreish thing I've seen on tour is hard to say because you do become immune to things, you just deal with situations. I've seen young children shot to fuck, a severely retarded man in Iraq being harrassed by locals before finally being beaten black and blue, then lynched him and cut off his cock. It was a "local dispute" and we weren't allowed to get involved in them, so we had to stand at a distance and watch (well, we didn't HAVE to watch...but we watched. There is video footage somewhere or other of it. I wasn't the one filming it by the way) He was accused of raping a baby and impregnating her with foreign spirits....he hadn't obviously, he was just from a different village, where his parents had died and he wandered aimlessly (the guy could barely walk, talk or do anything for himself). Now these are sad and hard to see, but you get over them. Thankfully I never saw another member of my troop injured or that would have been the worst. And so, the prize of the worst thing I have seen (and had to do) is........It was for me to enter a building that had been bombed to fuck and collect any human remains I could, so they could try and identify if the right fuckers had been killed or not. There were a couple of fairly intact bodies (ones that were identifiable as having once been human, at least) that the other guys attended to...and then there was the one in the kitchen. It was a fucking mess...pretty much all that was left was an eye and a load of brain matter...there was other goo with it. We had body bags for the other two, but nothing for this. On the floor in the kitchen was a warped and slightly melted plastic measuring jug, so I just scooped up this person. It smelt so bad I had to keep swallowing to stop myself from retching. So this person ended their life in a measuring jug just up to the 250ml mark...with just a bloody eye bobbing on top of the gooey liquid. I then had to hold the fucking thing in my lap, all the way back to base, as no other fucker would take responsibility for it. It was from that I got the nickname "Eye-eye". Although, now I look back, it WAS very goreish but also quite comical.

So there you go....come on, who has seen what?
A nigger getting eaten:)
A severed deer head/pelt discarded on the side of the road. Never seen anything really cool :shrug:
Most I’ve seen personally is a dude on a motorcycle going 60 on a residential street and smashing straight into the door of a ups truck. He survived although he broke his wrist and I think neck. The shattered glass and bike were cool to look at


The snozz berries taste like snozz berries.
I witnessed some dude bleed out from being stabbed multiple times in front of a hotel I used to work like 10 years ago. Whole thing was strange because nobody witnessed or heard a altercation go down. Never heard anything of it afterwards. Just another day in a cap city I guess.


Don't take what I say seriously...
Saw my boy get shot in the neck...age 9... dead...and recently was just in the middle of a shootout didn’t see anyone get shot tho. Probably retaliation from the guy I saw shot 6 times the week before about 100 yards away... oh yeah I chopped a baby rabbit in half tripping on acid one time... forgot to feed my cat to 3 or 4 am I hear a pretty horrific scream only to find mr or ms baby rabbit all fcked up... just put it out ou it’s misery... and almost cut offf my thumb...kept its foot cat didn’t eat it found it later...I talk to myself a lot which means I could kill you and get away with it...
Do you live in Brazil?
Saw my boy get shot in the neck...age 9... dead...and recently was just in the middle of a shootout didn’t see anyone get shot tho. Probably retaliation from the guy I saw shot 6 times the week before about 100 yards away... oh yeah I chopped a baby rabbit in half tripping on acid one time... forgot to feed my cat to 3 or 4 am I hear a pretty horrific scream only to find mr or ms baby rabbit all fcked up... just put it out ou it’s misery... and almost cut offf my thumb...kept its foot cat didn’t eat it found it later...I talk to myself a lot which means I could kill you and get away with it...


Don't take what I say seriously...
Come across a few car accidents and so forth...Blood and guts and the like...A good one I can remember, was when I was going for a bush walk with a client(disability work)...Was driving to a national park... As I drove up the hill, there was a ride on on the side of the road...drove past it, didn't think anything of up the road a bit further, (it was slow going dirt road), when something caught my eye in my rear view... It was the ride on doing fast donuts in a circle with someone on it. I saw it launch off the bank...I turned around, got out of the car and there were two people standing on the side of the road. I looked over the bank and there was this old fellow, I reckon late eighties early nineties pinned to a tree by the ride on...I asked the two what happened, and they said they came across a ride on with no one around(which is what I saw) and found a man on the ground near it(old man). They helped him up and put him back on the ride on(this was happening as I drove past). I went down to talk to the old fellow and one side of his face was dead. He had obviously had a stroke, that's why he crashed it in the first place...I went back up to the lady and the man and said are you fucking stupid! He has obviously had a stroke, why did you put him back on that thing. They said we couldn't understand him cause of his speech and thought he wanted us to put him back on it..(Fucking morons)...I said to the guy, his pinned to the tree. We're gonna have to lift the ride on and get him out. You can die from being pinned...I calmed the old fella down and told him what we had to do...The dude helping was fucking useless. I lifted it was one of those half tractor style ride ons...Once I got him out, I could see his injuries. His thigh was split from his hip down to his knee and you could see his whole leg bone...His fore arm was split the same too. It wasn't really bleeding at all...I asked him where he lived so I could use a phone to call an ambulance as there was no reception...The other two did nothing...I asked the two people to sit with him and comfort him. I walked down to his house along a bush track and his wife was there. I told her her man had an accident and could I have some towels to cover up his injuries...she started wailing and I told her to pull herself together...She then told me he had a stroke the week before and had told him not to use the mower...I got her to ring the ambo...It took nearly a hour for it to come...I told em what happened gave em my details as me left...They wanted me to stick around and I said talk to those two. They witnessed what happened and I got the fuck out of there...Never heard what happened...