Pennsylvania snow row leads to murder/suicide [raw video] (2 Viewers)

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Forum Veteran
The start of the clip is interesting, the couple have been shoveling snow across the road & put it in front of shooters fence, they have scrapped the road & it does not look like they have blocked his car, just left a small patch of fresh snow on the curb, the shit starts off screen to the right where male vic. says "give me my shovel back" , the shooter walks off with vic's shovel, things went pear shaped after that. Is it such a sore point if someone puts dirty snow on your front curb? Where are you supposed to put it, middle of road? I don't get snow so interested to know the in's & out's.

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
Dear Ward, here we write, we don't talk.

Your comment is just redundant confirmation of something I've always known and have repeatedly stated...

I've never encountered a foreigner whose primary language is not English who can actually speak and understand the English language properly.

Regardless of how well they may think they understand English, they are always lacking...sadly their usage of grammar, their usage of proper syntax, and their understanding and perception of the nuances of the language...subtle or otherwise.

So I always have to "dumb down" my listening when communicating with someone whose primary language is not English.

I have found that even an American with less than average intelligence is still much better able to understand the nuances of the English language than a foreigner with a higher IQ whose primary language is not English.

Now Grazi, your primary language is Portuguese...which is definitely the ugliest sounding and probably the least expressive language on earth.
Your "secondary language" is English.

I speak only one language, English...but I speak it well...very well.

So let me assure you my favela slum-dwelling friend, you are indeed conversing out here with other forum members...whether you're able to comprehend that or not...and yes, "talking"...virtually "talking" opposed to sending and receiving letters, etc.

But again, I don't expect you to comprehend that...due to your limited grasp of English.


Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
I hate assholes...the guy was talking all loud and tuff and the bitch was talking loud.

Satisfying to see them get shot dead!! Made my day!!

Lol assholes!! Then he cries like a bitch and says to call the cops.

Got what they deserved.



R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I Brazilian favela slum-dwelling friend...I have to disagree with you.

I believe the first few shots were nothing more than warning shots meant to instill fear and stop their verbal assault, as the shooter vented his frustration towards those two assholes.

But instead of the two assholes taking advantage of the warning shots and quickly jogging away while saying to him..."Okay man, okay!"...they continued to contentiously stand there and taunt and challenge him, with James Goy's loud-mouth bitch Lisa even telling him..."Do it! Do it!"...while holding up her cell phone and yelling at him..."I'm recording this!"

So the shooter...Jeffrey Spaide...just said "fuck it," and turned his aiming to center body mass...and then came back out with an AR-15 and delivered the coup de grâce.

"The proof of the pudding is in the eating" as the old adage goes.

24 hours after the events in this video, asshole James Goy and his loud-mouth bitch Lisa were embalmed and lying in caskets.

So yeah...I'd say that Jeffrey Spaide's shooting was very effective.

Nobody change warning shots to kill shots. He wants to kill the couple


R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
Your comment is just redundant confirmation of something I've always known and have repeatedly stated...

I've never encountered a foreigner whose primary language is not English who can actually speak and understand the English language properly.

Regardless of how well they may think they understand English, they are always lacking...sadly their usage of grammar, their usage of proper syntax, and their understanding and perception of the nuances of the language...subtle or otherwise.

So I always have to "dumb down" my listening when communicating with someone whose primary language is not English.

I have found that even an American with less than average intelligence is still much better able to understand the nuances of the English language than a foreigner with a higher IQ whose primary language is not English.

Now Grazi, your primary language is Portuguese...which is definitely the ugliest sounding and probably the least expressive language on earth.
Your "secondary language" is English.

I speak only one language, English...but I speak it well...very well.

So let me assure you my favela slum-dwelling friend, you are indeed conversing out here with other forum members...whether you're able to comprehend that or not...and yes, "talking"...virtually "talking" opposed to sending and receiving letters, etc.

But again, I don't expect you to comprehend that...due to your limited grasp of English.

Hey! Fuck you ! Pussy, pussy pussy!!


Negro Euthanizer
This is the uncensored version of the video in the link.
View attachment 480917

This is the uncensored version of the video in the link.
View attachment 480917
Quarter mile from my house

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
Nobody change warning shots to kill shots.

Your flawed opinion is based on your own subjective criteria...which is also flawed.

Warnings are often used.

In fact, just pointing a gun is a warning that most people understand and respond to.

However, this couple stubbornly continued being confrontational, and they paid a price.

Hey! Fuck you ! Pussy, pussy pussy!!




This is the uncensored version of the video in the link.
View attachment 480917
This is the uncensored version of the video in the link.
View attachment 480917
He literally shot this bitch at least 3 times and she was still moving around and talking. Then she got the last two.

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
Is it such a sore point if someone puts dirty snow on your front curb?

Where are you supposed to put it?

I don't know the in's & out's.

I grew up in a warm climate where we didn't shovel snow.

However, as an adult, I moved to Michigan for a few years.

Even after the first snowfall I experienced there, I had the common sense and common courtesy to not throw the snow I was shoveling over towards or on any neighbor's property.

I shoveled the snow on my driveway over to the sides of my driveway, onto my property.
I shoveled the snow on my sidewalk over to the sides of my sidewalk, onto my property.

It wasn't something I had to learn, or figure out, or be told.
As I said, it was just common sense and common courtesy.


Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
He literally shot this bitch at least 3 times and she was still talking.

Indeed, but she wasn't just talking.

She was continuing to spew hateful venom out of her putrid mouth and out of her empty soul...even after some bullets had been shot into her.

She was toxic, and it's good that she's now dead.

The coup de grâce with that AR-15 ensured that her mouth was shut permanently.

It's satisfying to watch her and the toxic bastard she was married to getting shot to death.



Indeed, but she wasn't just talking.

She was continuing to spew hateful venom out of her putrid mouth and out of her empty soul...even after some bullets had been shot into her.

She was toxic, and it's good that she's now dead.

The coup de grâce with that AR-15 ensured that her mouth was shut permanently.

It's satisfying to watch her and the toxic bastard she was married to getting shot to death.

Was it me or was she gurgling some?

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
Was it me or was she gurgling some?

I believe she was starting to die shortly before he finished her with that AR-15.

The guy was moaning in pain right up until he got a dose of that AR-15.

The final words that bastard heard was..."Pussy Huh??"...and then "BANG!!"
