bizarre The world is doomed (1 Viewer)

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The one you were warned about.
I guess every part of that is true except the other species part. Close enough.

And let's not romanticize what is just a normal bodily function. Fucking, shitting, breathing, sleeping. They all serve a purpose toward the end game of survival. Two human beings who cannot be trusted to reliably wipe their own asses will procreate if left to their own devices. It's not magical.
While I don't disagree, that's a pretty sad way to look at it.


King Of Athens
The guy with the cap and sunglasses face sums it up well

Chemical Burgers

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
People are truly sick of this bullshit being forced on them. The best way to make it go away is to not play into their delusions and to stop paying for things with them attached to it. Once it stops making money it'll die off pretty quick.


Another video of a fucking retarded leftist unable to articulate an idea. They're all in such a frenzy of sociopolitical virtue signaling they have no time to think for themselves.


Seeker of Truth!
Mine is 32 and she still won't fuck off!
sadly enough this is a perfect example of how they have destroyed the very image of the family unit!

Humans bodies are either male, female or in rare cases hermaphrodites. This is genetic and anatomical. The birth certificate of a baby will correctly record this.

Our mind, although connected to every part of our physical body, is different. Our mind is ‘ourself’, and that can be whatever the fuck it wants to be. The body doesn’t have to represent the views of the mind, like a professional athlete losing both legs. Social norms and old fashioned gender stereotyping creates the situation where people feel ‘different’, ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ for not fitting in to these norms. Then people who don’t fit in either become depressed and self-harm, or militant and shove their ways in your face (or find sites like GoreGrish where we can be different and enjoy it 😉).

People should be able to just be themselves, except paedos or rapists etc.

In terms of abortion. There are many families and social situations where allowing a pregnancy to progress would create a child destined to lead an awful and traumatic life, and/ or lead to the parents having a terrible life. Therefore, there should be the option of abortion, and it should be the choice of the parents. I’ve had to sign the papers for abortions many times during a gynaecology placement.

The only one I felt uncomfortable about, was a teenager that was being admitted for her 4th termination of the year. She appeared to see it as contraception. I signed it, but politely suggested she consider actual contraception and that it would not be safe to continue like she was.
but how does that promote responsible behavior in the first place? Neither one of my kids were planned but I would not trade them for all the wealth on this planet!


Forum Veteran
Humans bodies are either male, female or in rare cases hermaphrodites. This is genetic and anatomical. The birth certificate of a baby will correctly record this.

Our mind, although connected to every part of our physical body, is different. Our mind is ‘ourself’, and that can be whatever the fuck it wants to be. The body doesn’t have to represent the views of the mind, like a professional athlete losing both legs. Social norms and old fashioned gender stereotyping creates the situation where people feel ‘different’, ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ for not fitting in to these norms. Then people who don’t fit in either become depressed and self-harm, or militant and shove their ways in your face (or find sites like GoreGrish where we can be different and enjoy it 😉).

People should be able to just be themselves, except paedos or rapists etc.

In terms of abortion. There are many families and social situations where allowing a pregnancy to progress would create a child destined to lead an awful and traumatic life, and/ or lead to the parents having a terrible life. Therefore, there should be the option of abortion, and it should be the choice of the parents. I’ve had to sign the papers for abortions many times during a gynaecology placement.

The only one I felt uncomfortable about, was a teenager that was being admitted for her 4th termination of the year. She appeared to see it as contraception. I signed it, but politely suggested she consider actual contraception and that it would not be safe to continue like she was.
you make some interesting points here Flatus.

Especially about the dichotomy between mind and body.

Do you ever think that gender is a kind of analogue for the physical reality of our situation? Sure it varies between cultures but from an anthropological functionalist analysis the male and female genders allow us to fulfil our biological destinies.

Our biology requires us to regenerate our species. It is what it is designed to do. Anything else or any other possibilities are superfluous to this imperative.


I couldn’t even watch the whole video…as soon as those worthless cunts started to scream, I wanted to throat punch them.


Forum Veteran
well I agree with the first video but not the second.

there are only two genders, and if you have a womb you are a woman. You may be a masculine woman, but you are still a woman.

The second video though, I am very pro choice. The redhead couldn't articulate what is meant by "sustainable" but I can. A fetus becomes a human life when it can exist independently outside the womb without heroic intervention. The fatty is taking it too far by saying her newborn cannot exist independently. That it needs "help." By that definition even adults are not sustainable independently. We need food from somewhere, money to buy it, etc. We are all a part of a societal system we all depend on to "sustain." What the redhead was trying to say is a fetus becomes an independent life when it is no longer a parasite. That's harsh but true, and I agree with that definition.
She is not a Red Head,,, She is Ginger!!!


Well Known Member
Humans bodies are either male, female or in rare cases hermaphrodites. This is genetic and anatomical. The birth certificate of a baby will correctly record this.

Our mind, although connected to every part of our physical body, is different. Our mind is ‘ourself’, and that can be whatever the fuck it wants to be. The body doesn’t have to represent the views of the mind, like a professional athlete losing both legs. Social norms and old fashioned gender stereotyping creates the situation where people feel ‘different’, ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ for not fitting in to these norms. Then people who don’t fit in either become depressed and self-harm, or militant and shove their ways in your face (or find sites like GoreGrish where we can be different and enjoy it 😉).

People should be able to just be themselves, except paedos or rapists etc.

In terms of abortion. There are many families and social situations where allowing a pregnancy to progress would create a child destined to lead an awful and traumatic life, and/ or lead to the parents having a terrible life. Therefore, there should be the option of abortion, and it should be the choice of the parents. I’ve had to sign the papers for abortions many times during a gynaecology placement.

The only one I felt uncomfortable about, was a teenager that was being admitted for her 4th termination of the year. She appeared to see it as contraception. I signed it, but politely suggested she consider actual contraception and that it would not be safe to continue like she was.
A relative that I don't realy have anything to do with uses abortion as a contraceptive.

I am not a woman and I have a womb, really that's where we are now. Ok. I have a dick but I'm not a man 🤔 Said while standing in a woman's restroom.. Is Anyone going to believe me????🤣🤣🤣
It doesn't matter if they believe you or not. In todays fucked up world a man just has to say he is a woman to be a woman and vise versa.


Luv inside of the human body
We can only hope this is a phase and we'll look back this in 20yrs and laugh at these self hating women.
View attachment 649406

View attachment 649409
Women and men. That's it. A man who want to become a woman fine. But he is not a women. He looks like a woman but the fact to be a woman is all the biological things they go through their whole life. So. It fine by me too. A woman who wants to become a man. Is even wierd but women they will never going to understand all the biological things men go through either. So it's anyways fine by me. Men with men. Women with women. Don't really care about that but. One thing that I'll love more that any choice. Is that we need to stop bothering each other. I'll treat each of everyone of then just like they want to. So I want to be treated the same. Otherwise it'll be more crimes against of each of everyone of them.

Nick Cage

Genuine Nice Guy
can we please just take out the trash with these evil cunts. I love a good murder and torture but for gods sake a kid should not be executed because their mum is a mentally ill whore. Its so funny she calls it a human right to abort a child but what about the right to live? disgusting


I encourage abortion. Brain dead cunts like in these videos, along with most humans anymore should never be allowed to breed.
Grand Reopening Planned Parenthood
Free punch card for all the ladies and will perform late term up to 20 yrs.
Referral bonus if you bring a friend.

Humanity is truly fucked!