Waukesha, WI Christmas Parade (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
Google image of his home. A personal Instagram photo with red SUV he used. View attachment 557925View attachment 557926
Those dread lock hair extensions always look good on a nigger of either sex.

I have no idea how you wash them. Probably don't.

What's he doing here, making some kind of half assed gang sign?

He will be going away for life.

Then wait for the riots!!

BLM has been quiet on this one...
Try it you paste colord bitch
Oh, but we will not only try it we'll succeed. You guys think you'r riding high on the hog now but there will be a reset at some point in time, not too far from here, when all this nigger loving woke nonsense will be seen as lame as the hippies summer of love or John Lennon's 'Give Peace A Chance'.

No one likes an uppity nigger, just no body.

So why not go and troll on another site. This one is for whites only I'm afraid...
Totally agree ZeroK.

what a senseless tragedy. There have been posts suggesting this may be payback for the Rittenhouse verdict. The timing is interesting...
I heard Alec Baldwin was handed a loaded SUV.
That poor fucker is never going to live that one down...
Ban niggers from driving, they can use bicycles.

This nigger POS was really on a misson from the very start.

The problem with all this woke systemic racism/unconcious bias crap is that it encourages this type of behaviour. Biden, with his comment about being angry too about the Rittenhouse verdict is profoundly stupid and the President of the US has no right to criticise the verdict in his position as it undermines the legal system.

I'm unsure about the US consitution but the Westminster system ( Aus, UK and possibly Canada and NZ) have a concept known as the Separation of Powers :

The doctrine of the separation of powers in the Westminster system is usually regarded as one of the most fundamental tenets of liberal democracy.

The doctrine of the separation of powers divides the institutions of government into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial: the legislature makes the laws; the executive puts the laws into operation; and the judiciary interprets the laws. The powers and functions of each are separate and carried out by separate personnel. No single agency is able to exercise complete authority, each being interdependent on the other. Power thus divided should prevent absolutism (as in monarchies or dictatorships where all branches are concentrated in a single authority) or corruption arising from the opportunities that unchecked power offers. The doctrine can be extended to enable the three branches to act as checks and balances on each other. Each branch’s independence helps keep the others from exceeding their power, thus ensuring the rule of law and protecting individual rights.

I would imagine that had the US adopted this then Biden's comments would be way out of line. He's a woke version of Trump in many ways.

I remember when elecioneering he took the knee. I almost puked.
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Jon N.

Forum Veteran
Damn did they find who did it?
yeah and he was in court this morning. and a kid died so that makes 6 dead.
a driver in an SUV plowed through the Waukesha Christmas Parade this afternoon. At least 20 people have been injured.

I only have tweet threads.
Add any information if you'd like.

hope they keep him in jail this time. before he ran over his ex, and got out on 1000 bond. while out on bond this asshole does this intentional trying to get as many as he can. no one knows why yet, oh and his bond is set at 5 million cash.

Grand Mal Caesar

The problem with all this woke systemic racism/unconcious bias crap is that it encourages this type of behaviour. Biden, with his comment about being angry too about the Rittenhouse verdict is profoundly stupid and the President of the US has no right to criticise the verdict in his position as it undermines the legal system.

I'm unsure about the US consitution but the Westminster system ( Aus, UK and possibly Canada and NZ) have a concept known as the Separation of Powers :

The doctrine of the separation of powers in the Westminster system is usually regarded as one of the most fundamental tenets of liberal democracy.

The doctrine of the separation of powers divides the institutions of government into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial: the legislature makes the laws; the executive puts the laws into operation; and the judiciary interprets the laws. The powers and functions of each are separate and carried out by separate personnel. No single agency is able to exercise complete authority, each being interdependent on the other. Power thus divided should prevent absolutism (as in monarchies or dictatorships where all branches are concentrated in a single authority) or corruption arising from the opportunities that unchecked power offers. The doctrine can be extended to enable the three branches to act as checks and balances on each other. Each branch’s independence helps keep the others from exceeding their power, thus ensuring the rule of law and protecting individual rights.

I would imagine that had the US adopted this then Biden's comments would be way out of line. He's a woke version of Trump in many ways.

I remember when elecioneering he took the knee. I almost puked.

That is the intent of "wokeism". To breakdown sensibilities and encourage this type of behavior. As long as this bullshit continues it's just going to keep getting worse.

The "seperation of powers" was one of America's founding points.

It is way out of line for any political figure to talk about a citizen's legal matters. It harms a person's right to a fair trial. They know this and it is their intent to harm when they do it.


Forum Veteran
That is the intent of "wokeism". To breakdown sensibilities and encourage this type of behavior. As long as this bullshit continues it's just going to keep getting worse.

The "seperation of powers" was one of America's founding points.

It is way out of line for any political figure to talk about a citizen's legal matters. It harms a person's right to a fair trial. They know this and it is their intent to harm when they do it.
Thank you for that clarification on the US constitution.

Yes, I find the whole 'identity pollitics' a terribly dangerous aberation. We have it in Australia too, at an ever increasing rate.

Victoria, one of our states, has just passed laws that allow anyone to change their gender for what ever reason, without surgery etc and then to take on the mantel of that gender and all it entails.

Thus you and I could decide "Mal and I are women now. Hey Mal, lets go to the public swimming pool and 'hang out' in the change rooms when the next teenage girls school swimming teams come in to train"

So you and I, dressed in bikinis with hairy chests and 'big lunches' sits back whilst the 15 year olds get changed. And there is nothing they can do about it. In fact, it's against the law to protest.

So there we are looking something like this:



Forum Veteran
That is the intent of "wokeism". To breakdown sensibilities and encourage this type of behavior. As long as this bullshit continues it's just going to keep getting worse.

The "seperation of powers" was one of America's founding points.

It is way out of line for any political figure to talk about a citizen's legal matters. It harms a person's right to a fair trial. They know this and it is their intent to harm when they do it.
I agree but it didn't hurt Kyle Rittenhouse. Biden himself called him a white supremacist and look he is an exonerated man.

Grand Mal Caesar

I agree but it didn't hurt Kyle Rittenhouse. Biden himself called him a white supremacist and look he is an exonerated man.
He was lucky to have a judge who refused to put up with the prosecution's bullshit and allow them to steer the trial. It could have easily went the other way despite the overwhelming evidence in favor of Kyle. The way they were prepared, they probably expected the trial to be won by the media.


Forum Veteran
He was lucky to have a judge who refused to put up with the prosecution's bullshit and allow them to steer the trial. It could have easily went the other way despite the overwhelming evidence in favor of Kyle. The way they were prepared, they probably expected the trial to be won by the media.
Very true.


Not heard any news about this for a while 🤷‍♂️ Must be hate against whites then
Can anything go right in that state?? Seems like shit all the time.
Could be worse, could be Philadelphia, apparently they beat their all time yearly homicide rate, was 500 in 1980 now 501 and the year ain’t finished
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