What are your gruesome fantasies? (3 Viewers)

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I just saw the gayest guy on Earth
As a member of this site, I am sure a lot of you, just like me, has some pretty gruesome yet beautiful fantasies. Let’s all share them here!
When I was at a college that I completely fucking hated because it didn't have any courses that I resonated with and because I also felt like a social pariah, I had frequent fantasies of running into oncoming traffic, hoping that my head would get absolutely fucking crushed under the wheel of a speeding car.

There's also the still common fantasy of tracking down my middle school tormentors, torturing them on camera & then posting the video here. But alas, it hasn't happened.


Kill a girl, and have sex with it for 2 days.

Pretty much mine too. Although mine in not too picky as to whether I kill her or just find her body. @rottenthelema do you have any preferred method of killing her. So long not much torture or pain is involved and her body isn't messed up I fantasize on all means of death including consensual.

Yes, IRL this would not be enjoyable but as a fantasy I get a lot out of it. It's great to have my wife play dead for me or just pose as a corpse.


I’d like to get a room full of pedophilles and have them all sat next to each other so they could hear their fellow scum scream one thing I’d like to do is level out some bamboo and tie one down so he can feel each one grow into and out of his body a slow horrible death would be nice to see another thing I’d like to do is create a strap on but add like cheese grater qualities to it so I could grate there insides and my final one that comes to mind is slowly drip bleach onto the skin so eventually it would erode the skin away I hate pedos but unfortunately the justice system protects the scum (sorry for bad typing I’m dyslexic)
Holy shit that's hot. Good job dude


To take a beautiful young woman tie her hands and legs down and cut out her bathing heart as well as the eyeballs and cut out her tongue and eat sweet delicious meat and then dismember the rest of the body and have sex with the torso such a beautiful fantasy isn't it


Take a short blade cut the throat of a beautiful young woman drink her blood slowly cut out her heart wow she's still alive slowly cut out her eyeballs and eat them and then cut out her tongue and eat it delicious and to fill a bowl with her warm blood mix it with a little bit of liquid sugar so good and then just with pleasure cut her body up piece by piece turning it into beautiful artwork God I wish The Purge was real I would eat her heart her eyeballs and her tongue and enjoy dismembering her oh such sweet fantasy ❤️🥰


Hates the living, loves the dead
Live dipping in barrel of acid, Bury someone in a fire ants nest to the neck... Just general curiosity as to what would happen. Only deserving to people I no longer want around


R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
Page 4 my dream with DOA. New dream: watch an autopsy of fresh blue whale heart . Full of blood. How many liters of blood? And get inside the open heart


I have extended, vivid fantasies of physically and mentally torturing young women (18-28yrs) before killing them either by strangulation or stabbing, or both. I think of tying them to a chair and doing stuff like…making them call their family to say goodbye, finding out their worst fears to use that against them, etc.

I have fantasies of tasting their sweet meat, keeping the bones for decoration. But first I’d keep the bodies around for as long as possible before decomposition…dressing them, washing them, talking to them, posing them, etc…


To take a beautiful young woman tie her hands and legs down and cut out her bathing heart as well as the eyeballs and cut out her tongue and eat sweet delicious meat and then dismember the rest of the body and have sex with the torso such a beautiful fantasy isn't it

Mmm yes lovely! 🖤


We are Kings
I have extended, vivid fantasies of physically and mentally torturing young women (18-28yrs) before killing them either by strangulation or stabbing, or both. I think of tying them to a chair and doing stuff like…making them call their family to say goodbye, finding out their worst fears to use that against them, etc.

I have fantasies of tasting their sweet meat, keeping the bones for decoration. But first I’d keep the bodies around for as long as possible before decomposition…dressing them, washing them, talking to them, posing them, etc…



As a member of this site, I am sure a lot of you, just like me, has some pretty gruesome yet beautiful fantasies. Let’s all share them here!
I would wanna kill people to do it I guess? Like it's pretty cringe to be like "ooh im a psychopath i like to pull out their teeth and fucking jack off to them screaming and crying and then i cum in their eye socket" like it'd just be cool to see how many random people you could kill and get away with doing it. It'd be like an inside joke with myself like seeing the news cover one of the murders and being like "lol me"