What are your gruesome fantasies? (2 Viewers)

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To have sex with a sexy Japanese girl been cut out her heart and eat it raw and then cut out her eyeballs and eat them and cut out her tongue and eat it and then slice off her tits and deep fry them absolutely delicious I'm just dismember her body slowly enjoying every second of it and then having sex with her torso cowgirl style sweet sweet fantasy people are going to think I'm crazy but I don't care I hope one day to fulfill that fantasy oh how sweet it is legalize The Purge


Well Known Member
I have this scenario that i keep fantasizing about. Sometimes it’s like I’m off in my own world when I think about this. I can see it Crystal clear in my head. Anyway essentially chasing a woman through a forest, catching her, strangling her repeatedly, and then acting like I’m going to let her go after all that. I’d then cut her feet off and watch her try to crawl away on her forearms, while I taunt her.


Death chef
I'm pretty sure if I've ever murdered somebody to call them pigs and i choose men.
I really love old trational torture devices as well as methods such as the scavenger's daughter , spanish donkey and my favorite hang drawn and quartered.

My favorite fantasy is while alive ,hang someone by their ankles with meat hooks one in each ankles so their legs are evenly spread
take a chain saw and cut them from pelvis down through the chest to the Head
This way they are alive the whole time and feel everything

Another is to take a broom and ram it down someones throat with enough force to go through the arse and impale them

We <3 Pain

Me personally, imagines those human filths who tormented me in the past, slowly getting dissected alive while they feel every nanometer of the cuts, as their organs slowly gets ripped out of their bodies. Blood pouring out as they scream in excruciating pain. Adrenaline getting injected into their system to prevent them from passing out, and flesh torn out bit by bit while they are chained up on the torcher table unable to stop what is happening to them. Then, what was harvested from their bodies are cooked, and served to their families. 😆


Fresh Meat
Ugh...Wanna have access to police archives in USA or Western Europe countries to build my own collection photos of hanged/choked young white males 18-30 yo. 😋 It would be my own perverted heaven on earth...


Forum Veteran
Ugh...Wanna have access to police archives in USA or Western Europe countries to build my own collection photos of hanged/choked young white males 18-30 yo. 😋 It would be my own perverted heaven on earth...
You leave us honkeys alone !!!


ReallyJess is my fabulous Fag-hag
There was a guy I knew on the local kink scene a few years back who was pint-sized but had an oversized penis - as in, it looked freakishly large on his small frame, though it was probably only 9-inches in length - and he had a reputation of using it as a literal weapon when he had sex with women. Sure, he was a sadist (everyone knew this), but he played with a few women I knew, and when he sodomised them, he would ALWAYS give them anal fissures as a result. And he would boast about it, calling his dick "The Spear".

Thus, I encouraged the idea of taking that "spear" away from him. One inch at a time. Get a good fire going in the hearth, and set the iron to heat up. Put his drugged asleep self into a metal chair, and restrain him with tight leather straps, fit him with a ballgag, and load him up on viagra, so that his "weapon" was on full display. Then, once he is awake, I'd attach electrodes to his balls, affix a wooden splint with multiple elastic bands to his penis to enforce it's rigidity, and then get to work.

Running a low charge through his balls to keep his stimulation levels high, I'd begin "taking the rough edges off his personality", by using a power sander on the head of his dick. Rough up the skin. Break the skin. Erode the skin. Gently gently, until the sandpaper is clogged with skin, gristle, and blood. I can almost hear his muffled screams through his ballgag. Leave him to stare wide-eyed at his destroyed meatus as it drips blood between his thighs.

Then, to ensure we can complete the procedure, I use a syringe filled with saline solution, and inject it into his cavernosa tissue, to reinforce his erection - it may have started to sag during the sanding, but with a shot of saline to fill out his tissues, we can continue.

Using pruning anvil-secateurs, we get to work on his manhood, using the splints as supports either side of his "spear" - time to remove him from the "Arms Race" of humanity. We chomp through his penis, removing it in inch-long segments, snip, pause to look at his white face and horrified wide eyes, before selecting the next place to cut. Snip. Snip. Snip. Snip. Snip. Until he has nothing left worth cutting off.

Then, if he hasn't died from the shock, we sterilise the wound with a dusting of granulated salt, and then I cauterise the wound with the branding iron - it's time in the hearth should have it up to a rosy red heat, perfect for sealing the deal.

Let's see how much ego he has now, after I've taken his "Spear" and left him with less than a toothpick...
There was a guy I knew on the local kink scene a few years back who was pint-sized but had an oversized penis - as in, it looked freakishly large on his small frame, though it was probably only 9-inches in length - and he had a reputation of using it as a literal weapon when he had sex with women. Sure, he was a sadist (everyone knew this), but he played with a few women I knew, and when he sodomised them, he would ALWAYS give them anal fissures as a result. And he would boast about it, calling his dick "The Spear".

Thus, I encouraged the idea of taking that "spear" away from him. One inch at a time. Get a good fire going in the hearth, and set the iron to heat up. Put his drugged asleep self into a metal chair, and restrain him with tight leather straps, fit him with a ballgag, and load him up on viagra, so that his "weapon" was on full display. Then, once he is awake, I'd attach electrodes to his balls, affix a wooden splint with multiple elastic bands to his penis to enforce it's rigidity, and then get to work.

Running a low charge through his balls to keep his stimulation levels high, I'd begin "taking the rough edges off his personality", by using a power sander on the head of his dick. Rough up the skin. Break the skin. Erode the skin. Gently gently, until the sandpaper is clogged with skin, gristle, and blood. I can almost hear his muffled screams through his ballgag. Leave him to stare wide-eyed at his destroyed meatus as it drips blood between his thighs.

Then, to ensure we can complete the procedure, I use a syringe filled with saline solution, and inject it into his cavernosa tissue, to reinforce his erection - it may have started to sag during the sanding, but with a shot of saline to fill out his tissues, we can continue.

Using pruning anvil-secateurs, we get to work on his manhood, using the splints as supports either side of his "spear" - time to remove him from the "Arms Race" of humanity. We chomp through his penis, removing it in inch-long segments, snip, pause to look at his white face and horrified wide eyes, before selecting the next place to cut. Snip. Snip. Snip. Snip. Snip. Until he has nothing left worth cutting off.

Then, if he hasn't died from the shock, we sterilise the wound with a dusting of granulated salt, and then I cauterise the wound with the branding iron - it's time in the hearth should have it up to a rosy red heat, perfect for sealing the deal.

Let's see how much ego he has now, after I've taken his "Spear" and left him with less than a toothpick...
It would be easier just to sodomize him back no? This seems like allot of work


French bitch
Once a dated a guy who was cutting himself pretty heavily, leaving big scars on his legs. When I first saw them I immediately get turned on by imagining licking these open wounds. Getting on top of him with our bodys covered in his blood. (sorry if my English is mn't great, I'm french)
Remove someone's cheeks so all of their teeth are exposed, and keep their eyes in a little jar. Then I'd cut them open and lick their ribs clean and squish their organs. Maybe even try some meat recipes online and see how good they taste with human meat instead of other animals.