WWII Relics & Remains (1 Viewer)

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fuck the system
nice shit man deadhead i have friends that search stuff like that to with metal detector but they not repord it you must be stuppit iff you find such a bautiful nazi helmet i keep it than fore shure its nize for bikers hahaha


Angel of Death
Nice collections.
I had family on both sides during WWII (American + German).

Unfortunately I have very few relics. :( Will post tomorrow/later today, though.


against the dying light.
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When Poland was divided between Russia and Germany in 1939, more than 180,000 Polish prisoners of war fell into Soviet hands: the officers were separated from the rest and placed in special camps. In April 1943 the Germans had discovered a mass grave in the Katyn forest near Smolensk, where they found the remains of 4,400 Polish officers and accused the Russian mass murder, calling for an international team of experts to investigate the crime.

Image shows victim with hands wired behind his back, he was shot in the head. Nearly all of the corpses hand their hands wired.


No Neck Nick.... SUCK MY DICK!
The fate of the pilot Lazarev
February, 21st, 1943 from the Soviet military air base in Chupa two fighters P-40 and five Hurricanes flight to the operation one of the Hurricanes was piloted by the pilot of 760-th IAP sergeant Lazarev

In the same time German pilot Oberfeldwebel Rudolf Muller from 6/JG5 ' Expertenstaffel with his squad of the four of fighters Bf109G has been escorted five bombers Ju87D, and entered to the fight on his Bf109G-2 with the Soviet fighters of 760-th IAP. In action, near the area of railway station – Polyarnyi Krug, he shot down his last plane in his life, before he got the same fate- he was knock out on April, 19th 1943. Muller's plane has been hit in 8 km to the east of lake Maljarvi, then catch by soviets and sent in POW camp where was killed on October, 21st 1943 when attempting to escape. The military historian Jury Rybin, has found out the information confirming the fact in archive, that in that day Muller has hit down two Soviet planes, one of which was piloted by sergeant Boris Aleksandrovich Lazarev.

Most likely after the Hurricane was hit, Lasarev having unfastened belts on his hands, tried to leave the machine falling down, but has loose time. Probably, the low height has not allowed it to make it. ' Hurricane ' has fallen in a bog. The pilot was died from the strongest kick to a control panel of the plane. When he died he was only 22 y.o

Boris Aleksandrovich Lazarev burried in the cemetry of Chupa, Karelian Republic

(Sorry If This Is A Repost)



In the Prep Room
Wow, amazing 'bog body' there of the pilot! Fascinating the way bogs preserve people. It's strange how we all grew up looking at pics of soldiers, thinking them all 'men', but now, when you see the actual ages of them, they were really just kids. Sad. :(
Having lost a relative in the Bristol Channel during WWI, and no remains being available to ship home, and another in North Korea during the Korean War, again with no remains shipped home, I rather hope someone does find either one - we'd have some answers at last.
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