Anyone have a video they cant handle? (9 Viewers)

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There was this video of a woman who had been in a car crash and was ejected from the vehicle, she was laying in the road and her death throes really got to me for some reason, it wasn’t even that gory but it just bothered me. It’s been a long time so I wouldn’t know where to find it but I couldn’t watch it again.
That's why I fucking hate fucking republikkkunts. After all of these fucking school shootings, they continue to deny even the most basic rudimentary federal regulations, like a national registry, national background checks, age restrictions, etc.

Especially after Newtown. And the fact that this goes WAAAYYY back to April 20th, 1999!

Fuck these asshats who were brainwashed by the NRA propaganda bullshit.
Fuck the NRA, babies keep fucking dying in one of the places they’re supposed the be safest. And the Republikkkans ignore it. I’m pro gun but Jesus Christ something needs to be done. The dude who eliminated the shooter in the mall in Indianapolis is a super rare occurrence, like the guy in that church. But I’m so tired of seeing the news reporting mass shootings. Other countries mock us and won’t even come here because it’s a goddamn war zone.


Take no prisoner
This user was banned
Nope,that would be for pussies. If they can't handle a video,then maybe gore isn't for them. People come here for all types of gore,not for whining and complaining.I think that's part of the reason why many gore sites get shut down,over crybabies.


I can take just about anything. I've watched dozens upon dozens of videos from scat- snuff. Watching children die is hard for me. Especially when they could be dying because of difference in beliefs. Political and religious zealots sicken me to my core.
It's funny cause I read a lot of the feedback, which is mostly ignorant but funny as a mother fucker yet majority of Post are actually quite straight heart felt and intelligent put.


Bark at tha 🐮 moooo….n
I wish I could entertain everyone with a bunch of intolerable vids, just to make a name fer meself, but u all have posted them all already….okay fer the most part. Really need someone to hook me into the dark web already, cuz after a lifetime of seeking real gore I could really use a harder shot of reality. Human evils will never end. now that every no good cunt owns a smartphone we know. Now weve seen faces of death and more. Then I think, surgeons save lives by making cuts and amputations, cops and military blow heads off to keep the peace, so even in a much less combative world we still will wanna turn on the tv to see people beat themselves half to death over a few beers. What’s enough gore? Kids and old people? Sure, and to me it’s weak and boring anyway, except that one vid where that kid gets his heart torn out. And his whole front end peeled off…god that one is fucking evil as fuck…
Oh yeah, hurting animals I am a huge animal rights guy, and yet we all love our chicken a la king and juicy steaks. The worst part of the old faces of death films, apart from the fact that they were all bullshit, was the slaughterhouse stuff and seal beating. That was the only real stuff I think, and I shut it off well before it was over. Me and a friend didn’t talk after that for a long time. We are a pretty confused lot, are we not? Yet bodybuilders need that protein. Fuck tofu guys, I’m sorry. I can’t totally be a vegetarian, but ive cut down a lot on meat, thanks in part to places like this! Cheers and enjoy your next juicy and bloody steak! Can anyone say Outback Steakhouse?
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I'm fairly desensitized to it now. My very first gore video was a guy tied upside down having his genitals cut off with a dull hunting knife. Couldn't get that one out of head for the longest time.
View attachment 440336

The last video to make me actually cringe was the cartel cutting off some guy's limbs slowly one by one. They beat the poor bastard with his own leg while he was still very much alive. Made me realize how much I hate humanity.
View attachment 440337
Wow. That second one ranks up there with the worst I’ve seen.


Such is life
Depends if you mean like you want to throw up for the pure fact it’s disgusting sure 2 girls 1 cup lol….if you mean sick inside like it gives you that deep feeling you have to click away from the movie and you just feel sick inside ….mmmm no I can’t say that I have 🤔

Ze Butcher

Sausage Slayer
That one video with three kids fooling around in an elevator en then one of them gets crushed is hard for me to watch


You should share that video then. Just as long as it's not a pus video.

I can't watch pus videos. I have no problem with blood and guts but pus really grosses em out.

P.S. Change the font size of your sig to something less obnoxious and unbold it. All it says to me formatted like that is, "Hey look at me! I'm a douchebag with a giant sig!"
Fuck off.

Kapitän Ghul'

Look at me go.
Nope,that would be for pussies. If they can't handle a video,then maybe gore isn't for them. People come here for all types of gore,not for whining and complaining.I think that's part of the reason why many gore sites get shut down,over crybabies.
I concur. If you are a Karen please learn to look away and don't ask for the manager. She doesn't give a shit as she should.