Coronavirus (5 Viewers)

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Screenshot_2020-05-27 Coronavirus.png


Pure Scorpio 🥼🗽🩻🎪✡️💉🐾
New York has reported its lowest daily death toll from Covid-19 since the pandemic began in the United States, the governor says.
Health officials on Monday reported 73 residents died in a single day.

:Happy: (Better than 804😉)


First, Last & Always
The video shows a different story to what the main stream media is posting. The mortality rate can only be calculated based on those who are confirmed serological cases - there are undoubtedly many more cases who are not officially documented; who either don’t seek medical treatment or do but are not tested for 2019-nCoV and sent home. This is why so far the official reported mortality rate for this seems low. The Chinese government tried to stifle reporting and avoid responsibility as long as they could. Passing it off at first as pneumonia.

There's nothing surprising about that. The Chinese didn't test their people and some dropped dead because they were sick the whole time.

It's happening here in the states as well, except many people are staying home. They are being found dead at home, not in public.


˙˙˙ǝʌᴉƃ ᴉ sʞɔnɟ ssǝl ǝɥʇ 'ʇǝƃ ᴉ ɹǝplo ǝɥʇ
More than 1000 deaths day by day. I wash my hands i guess 15 times by day. Hahaha
if you wash your hands longer in one setting then you don't have to wash as many times, i.e. wash for like 3.5 minutes, thats like 10 times recommended worth in one setting! if you want extra protection put a condom on every finger and wear 3 layers of gloves on top too. if you add a jock strap you get like +10 immunity & hp for your immune system.