Coronavirus (1 Viewer)

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cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Just like the indoctrination and brainwashing system that is the world we live in, gotta get the children in on it...
Don't do it, fight tooth and nail not to vaccinate your kids.
The thing all news is conveniently leaving out of the big bad virus propaganda machine(amongst other things), is that these are EXPERIMENTAL AND HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED BY THE FDA.
In fact, that fucking mRNA vaccine in trials has been shot down by the FDA many times because of the spike protein issue and the FACT that it KILLED ALL the test subjects, EVERY SINGLE TIME.


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Couple more things and I'll stop for now...
Here's Dr. FUCKNUT on masks, Feb 2020



cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
And a little convo with none other than Mark Zuckerberg himself...


Sure would like to know what's hidden in that red box...


So they now wanna “vaccinate” teens to protect future mutations here 🤷‍♂️ Thought kids were safe


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
So they now wanna “vaccinate” teens to protect future mutations here 🤷‍♂️ Thought kids were safe
They'd be safer contracting the virus than getting that death sentence they're pushing.


Don't take what I say seriously...
Don't do it, fight tooth and nail not to vaccinate your kids.
The thing all news is conveniently leaving out of the big bad virus propaganda machine(amongst other things), is that these are EXPERIMENTAL AND HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED BY THE FDA.
In fact, that fucking mRNA vaccine in trials has been shot down by the FDA many times because of the spike protein issue and the FACT that it KILLED ALL the test subjects, EVERY SINGLE TIME.
My girl isn't vaccinated...I am anti vax...I am waiting for my employer to make it mandatory and I will tell them to stick their job...In Oz, your child has to get jabs for fourteen different viruses...Even polio shot is still given...when is the last time you knew anyone that felt polish? The only one I see merit in, is the tetanus shot...But even it has two others included in it now...
I never got vaccinated as a kid, till I trod on a Rusty nail and started to show symptoms of tetanus...Got it...I got measles, chicken pox and so forth and I am fine...A client I work with's mum said to me are you gonna get the flu shot? And I said no, I'm not getting that, they are full of poisons and heavy metals. What is the point of putting some foreign organism in your body for something that you will probably never get...She said "well I've had the shot the last 5 years and I've never had the flu...And I replied " well I haven't had it the last 5 years and I haven't had the flu either, so where is your logic in that statement? And she said "well maybe if you don't get it, you can't work with so and so no more...And I said well if that's the way it's gotta be then so be it...I will do something else...(fuck you)... Hahaha...
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Don't take what I say seriously...
In Oz, They have the nwo media(all Oz news) giving it to the govt about the slow roll out of vaccines(to get the sheeple on side and in for their shots)...It is bullshit though...There is only a slow roll up,cause fuck all people are going in to get it...I'm surprised by the intelligence of a lot of Australians at this time regarding this matter...Most Australians are
ignorant blind fools that believe like Nixon said people won't believe anything till they see it on tv...Most people I work with are like this. When I tell them any alternative views from the mainstream narrative...They think I am crazy...Fuck em I say...imo, you have to have an open mind about all things or you will learn nothing...That is one of my own you likey?


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
I likey. People are like that around here too, but if they give me an opening to talk about the subject... I'm on it quick as you please. They may not see the light right then, but I make sure they're thinking about it for a bit after. Cast enough doubt and curiosity will have most people looking to see if what I've said has merit. Which it does... :D


Don't take what I say seriously...
28.6 million people fully vaccinated in the UK

Going by what you say that's 28.6 million death sentences, yet here we are, without 28.6 million deaths.........

So kinda makes you think that being vaccinated isn't really a death sentence.

What's bad is scare mongering, and that includes people on your side of the argument also, I do not differentiate between your line of thought and the medias. Both at bad as pushing false information as the other.

No offence intended, just saying it as it is, you bunch of tinfoil hats.
Yeah but you put an untested RNA changing liquid in your body...For something that has killed less people than the flu does every year...And an organism that was made in a lab to sell your govt the said liquid...


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
28.6 million people fully vaccinated in the UK

Going by what you say that's 28.6 million death sentences, yet here we are, without 28.6 million deaths.........

So kinda makes you think that being vaccinated isn't really a death sentence.

What's bad is scare mongering, and that includes people on your side of the argument also, I do not differentiate between your line of thought and the medias. Both at bad as pushing false information as the other.

No offence intended, just saying it as it is, you bunch of tinfoil hats.
I didn't say everyone would drop dead the moment the vaccines are given. In fact I specifically said the "Spike Protein" attacking the individuals cells(ACE2 specifically) would vary with everyone. I specifically said it could be many months, to many years before any symptoms show and that it will pertain to an autoimmune disease. There are over 80 autoimmune illnesses from something seemingly small like psoriasis to something as serious as diabetes. They've recently discovered that instead of the "vaccine" staying in the arm muscle and simply triggering your own immune system, it is in fact traveling through the body and settling in blood vessels, muscles, testicles, even breaching into the brain. The spike protein is causing a major adverse reaction in that it's causing the bodies immune system to turn on itself. Again, the time it takes and where it attacks in the body will be different in everyone, which I specifically said earlier.

You should differentiate between what I'm saying and what the media is saying. They are still in the cover up phase, where as I, am not. I encourage you to do a bit of research on ACE 2 receptors, spike proteins, mRNA, prions and their connection to the "vaccines".

Actually, it kinda does make me think being vaccinated is a death sentence.

Just saying it like it is, no offense... and I love my tin foil hat.


We are Kings
They aren't saying it stops the virus, what they are saying that it reduces hospitalisation numbers, as it limits the virus causing serious implications, which it has, like the stats prove.

Deaths lowered, and hospitalisations lowered.

what's your argument?
it's bullshit, if the vaccine worked international travel would be allowed and we would not be having snap lockdowns at the state government's whim. Stick the vaccine up your arse.


But but but.....

67 million total doses given 45% of an entire country has had a single dose, still no 67 million deaths? So what? Scaremongering just like the media? Yea.

Here are some stats for you

first, your full of shit with the flu argument, that's a 12year olds response.

Second, 30k ppl die a year from flu and pneumonia a year in the UK, which is 1/6th of the amount of people that have died to COVID-19 in the UK, you can go fact check that and stop using that lame shit argument, because it is not accurate. And that 30k flu deaths is based on a bad year, where peak deaths occur. Which doesn't even happen all the time, yet COVID-19 still has killed more. So you keep telling ppl that flu kills more, and I'll keep on thinking your argument is based on the mind of a child.

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Funny how deaths are dropping once the vaccination began being rolled out, weird that isn't it? No, it' not.
Can I just add a few stories to that, first one was a couple I knew the husband had stage 4 cancer, he knew he was dying at the start of the pandemic, fought it for roughly a year and died, but on his death certificate it was put down as a covid related death ( because all deaths that come back as a positive covid test in 28 days of death are reported as covid (which one is proven not to be accurate and also the guy that designed the test says it’s not for covid)) and she’s tried to get that removed from the death certificate, my ex bosses wife died of throat cancer also covid, same blocks brother died of diabetes complications also covid, and another friend died of covid, but I’m pretty sure the fucking rope around his neck was the cause of that one, so my question to you mate is how many flu deaths in previous years was reported like this?
also with your graph don’t you find it strange that the death rate started to rise again once they started administering the injection? (Let’s not call it a vaccine eh, because it doesn’t fit the definition of the word)


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Obviously you've done zero information gathering on your own, and instead have chosen to believe the talking heads on the boob tube. That's a shame...


We are Kings
I said from the offset that people should just be left to mingle and catch it, in the hopes it eliminates fucking mongoloids from the gene pool.
good, I agree, and the governments shouldn't be closing down fucking countries either, the economy is worth more than your grandma for all I care