beatings Curry Guy Beats His Girlfriend (2 Viewers)

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Varmint Hunter

I'd go to hell just to shoot the Devil in the face
Some of the things which the world just has too much of:

Feral hogs
Prairie dogs
Scumbag humans of all other flavors

And unfortunately for the last two, one cannot just legally go to town on them with a scoped rifle chambered in .22-250 or .308 Win.

What a piece of shit. I hope he gets what's coming to him

If I was the guy filming, there would have been no video at all, one or two spent cartridge cases in my pocket, and a slightly injured woman who will know to just tell my version of the events if ever questioned. "Yes officer, Rajeet Currycel did come out with us this morning but he said he wanted to go take a piss in the woods and never came back.

Mofo would not have even got to stomping on her. First two blows and receive two .45 ACP+P to the dome. Then a 10 foot hole with a hog or jackal buried halfway up if I can get one.


first floor room 16
watching gore and stuff since over 16 years and i have to say indian "men" are the most sissy ones
they will stab you from behind, beat only the weak but face to face they will suck your cock and beg you not to hurt them


Utter bastard
She must be gaga to stay with him..

Grand Mal Caesar

watching gore and stuff since over 16 years and i have to say indian "men" are the most sissy ones
they will stab you from behind, beat only the weak but face to face they will suck your cock and beg you not to hurt them
They have the funniest sounding screams.


what a knob cant handle rejection

probably dosent make spicy enough curry
In India it's all about the spice, considering he beats on young women I take it he can't handle curry either being the little bitch that he is.
I'd be honered ro sample her curry 😂.

If he fought a man he'd probably cry and call the police.


Punch me in the face and my shorts will drop ;-)
I think she made a Tikka Massala for lunch and this chaiwallah did not like it.


Forum Veteran
India guy beats his girlfriend unconscious for not accepting his marriage proposal.
View attachment 645269
Wow, this is probably one of the most brutal domestic violence videos I've seen in my life where the dude didn't use a weapon except his hands and feet. This is incredible. I cannot believe what I just watched. These type of videos should be studied by future generations when we all kill ourselves.