Do you think rapists should be killed? (4 Viewers)

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Nah, all they need is a little therapy.

Of course they should be killed.

Have you heard about determinisim?


kill all rapists, slit their throats, dismember them, cut off their dicks and shove it down their throat, light them on fire, and shoot them
I find it strange how dumb ppl on this site is. heard about determinisim? no? search and learn.


this isnt even a hard question. they deserve brutal awful death more than pretty much anyone.
nobody deserves death or curelty, even when they commit the most awful of crimes. they should ethier be locked up to protect others or rehabillitated becuase they cant be responsible for their actions, if you would like continue this debate on why no one can be responsible for their actions reply to this with a singel yes.


No. Why waste a human resource.
Labour camps are a better solution. For life if necessary, depending on the case.


triggering transphobes and misogynists 𖤐
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Been there with some crazy bitch falsely accusing me of raping her only to retract her statement a few weeks later with no repercussions for the lying cunt
calm the fuck down, maybe you actually did ignore her no’s and cannot accept responsibility. let’s not gaslight xoxo


Hard no from me. Let em rot in prison.. gen pop. Zero chance of parol. Use them for testing, use them for medical experiments. Death is the easy way out for their crimes.


Not killed, mostly because proof. How many women now get drunk shag some bloke, wake up, see what a pig he is, decide its rape.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many. I have tossed 2 "friends" aside for pulling the same shit.


slobber on my balls you stupid fat fucker
Lmao you’re a tranny piece of shit aren’t you? Product of rape, a seed from a dad you’ve never known. No wonder you turned out like a disgusting fuck you are now. One day you’ll end up becoming a suicide statistic.