favorite type of gore (4 Viewers)

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I enjoy watching the depths of peoples depravity. The thread on the kid who chopped up the other kid because he owed him video game currency was intriguing or when child molesters get there dues. Especially if it's a drawn out, painful, slow death ☠💀⚰ Also hanging suicides... the way the body twitches, stiffens then relaxes. I like those!


I’m straight so I honestly prefer to see hot women. Also I like higher quality stuff rather than grainy security videos.


Forum Veteran
Chinese Factory Accidents, Workplace Accidents, Jumper Suicides (even though crazy heights is a phobia of mine), and probably last but not least the cartel hits (via shooting, I watch the beheadings but I like the ones involving hand-guns).


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Self harm gone wrong, they panick and realise its too fucking late.
I got one I have to cart to the hospital repeatedly who's 18 now and hope I to be the one who is called to her attention seeking rotting corpse one day.... I want to see her dead eyes.

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I like videos where you can actually see the life leaving their body, such as beheadings or hanging. I find it fascinating.

I'm also partial to jumper suicides but I don't think I've ever seen one which captures the fall AND the splat in detail which infuriates me.


this can be a certain genre (war, medical) certain situations (suicide, hit by car) and anything under the sun!! tell me what you enjoy most seeing!

personally my favorite is seeing cuts, but not just pictures,, videos. I love to see a blade slide smoothly across the skin to open the layers of the bubbly yellow fat.. i dont know why but its just so satisfying :0!!!
I also enjoy seeing gore art because it can be stylized to be even more gruesome than in real life >:))
True crime stuff...