animals Funny negros comment on white people (1 Viewer)

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"Hiro" aka: "Dolly"... the homo britfag dicksucker
Lol niggers talking as if they're relevant, if these dumb fucks were never shipped here by the kikes they would still be roasting each other over a spit while dancing around naked with bones through their faces.

It's incredible how delusional the kikes have made minorities, these shitskinned dipshits actually think they have contributed to society besides picking cotton, should have sent them back to Africa after they created the cotton picking machine because niggers are useless leeches.
It's even worse..... they are purposely placed into highly important positions as a way to sabotage the western world.... and its working like a charm
None of that will age well. Might not be long before people like this will be hated more than ever before. Ok, but this time nobody cares about you and how you died. No multi-million dollar lawsuits waiting for your surviving family anymore. Those days are over.


But yet every day they look to white people to solve their fucking lazy ass, problems and complain nonstop ha ha fuck them!


A guy who knew a guy who knew Ed Gein
"Copycats"? What the fuck did a black person ever invent that is useful to humanity? The lightbulb? the airplane, the combustion engine, a cure for polio? Television? radios? the transistor? I could go on, and on, and on.

lmao.. There was something about peanuts about 100 years ago. Got to give them that. Can't quite recall what it was though.

Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
lmao.. There was something about peanuts about 100 years ago. Got to give them that. Can't quite recall what it was though.
Even the peanut butter claim has been proven false....ALL sorts of people had "invented" nut butter of some sort before George Washington Carver.



Send them all back to Africa
Can't do that because nasty degenerate thieving genocidal homosexual Caucasians are still stealing from the African continent as they have been for the past few hundred years

Yeah they're so useless that your fagot asses have been in Africa stealing its resources for over a thousand years after coming out of your caves and going to Africa to learn sciences medicines metallurgy law theory astronomy mathematics architecture farming etc. So glad you pitiful Neanderthal ape DNA creatures are not reproducing


Those niggers think they are good at anything hitler shouldve gassed them out before the jews
You dumbfuck, you're too stupid to realize that Hitler didn't gas Jews or have any plan to exterminate them. This is the reason why Jews have always considered their non-jewish white brethren flunkies and idiots - because you believe everything they tell you - dumbasses. You dumbfucks fight their wars for them and subsidize them with your tax money as they create more Hollywood films (about a fake Holocaust) duping your dumbasses and getting you to support them even more. When you go get a bank loan or a car loan you're going to them for the money and the interest you stupid fucks.