beatings MAGA Maggot Gets What He Deserves (1 Viewer)

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No idea, you have any idea how much Trump fucked all of us lying on his Taxes? Seems I paid more than he did. Capone went to prison and died there for Tax shit. What do think Trump deserves 🤔
hmmm.......exactly how much did it fuck you up? Didnt affect me at all now that I think about it.
Funny tho, the rest of the crooks dont want him in there either. Wonder why not?
birds of a feather and all.

Solomon Kane

And so it begins..
hmmm.......exactly how much did it fuck you up? Didnt affect me at all now that I think about it.
Funny tho, the rest of the crooks dont want him in there either. Wonder why not?
birds of a feather and all.
It fucks me up to the point of creating 2 classes of citizens. Middle class that pay double digit taxes and the 1% that pay nothing. It may not bother you but shows very clearly that if rich fucks were to pay the same tax percentage I pay, maybe mine would go down a bit having in the end a little more in my pocket. 🤔
It fucks me up to the point of creating 2 classes of citizens. Middle class that pay double digit taxes and the 1% that pay nothing. It may not bother you but shows very clearly that if rich fucks were to pay the same tax percentage I pay, maybe mine would go down a bit having in the end a little more in my pocket. 🤔
Maybe your just mad that you have to pay taxes period. You sure your not a dem?
So tell me how is the country better now than it was under trump. I'll wait.

Solomon Kane

And so it begins..
Okay, I've tried to ignore your grandiose ignorance for long enough, but it's kind of hard to do when you spout nonsense like this comment.

You're insisting that anyone attempting to overthrow an antiquated, hypocritical, corrupt, tyrannical, authoritarian, murderous, libelous, unlawfully established government with more blood on its hands than any other government in history is a piece of shit?

Nah. The U.S. government is a vile cesspool of rich elites that care nothing for their citizens.

This government kills people routinely. They deny healthcare to the sick and dying. They promote, encourage and engage in human trafficking on every level imaginable.

They launched a failed war on drugs that imprisoned hundreds of thousands of people just so the rich owners of contracted independent prisons could make a buck. They created an environment that is so hostile and resistant to change, growth and independent success that entire families have been imprisoned just for trying to find a way to feed their kids. The school-to-prison pipeline is so glaring and predominant among the poor that it's no longer a conspiracy theory, it's an established fact.

Then one guy becomes president and dares to call out and oppose this shitshow and is figuratively crucified for it and here you are casting stones from your keyboard?

I hope and desperately wish that we see another Civil War, because people that think like you need to be exterminated at all costs so that we can try to reorganize and restructure this mess that you fuckheads have created. Trump isn't what's wrong with this country. No. Cowardly little bitches like yourself that would shoot themselves in the foot to avoid a battle waged for the preservation of true freedom are the problem.
Yeah, or a bone spur to avoid service 🤔
Yeah, or a bone spur to avoid service 🤔
That's just one man. But how about an entire government littered with cowardly bitches that are supported by cowardly bitches?

If this country maintains its current trajectory, there's only two possible outcomes:

The populace becomes increasingly submissive and subservient until most of our basic rights guaranteed by the Constitution are amended to the barest minimums or annulled entirely.

Or, the people become so infuriated, alienated and desperate that we wage war against those in authority.

Unfortunately, the latter will never happen because this country is so full of cowardly bitches that would never dare to take up arms against the other cowardly bitches running the show.

Private Joker

Forum Veteran
Okay, I've tried to ignore your grandiose ignorance for long enough, but it's kind of hard to do when you spout nonsense like this comment.

You're insisting that anyone attempting to overthrow an antiquated, hypocritical, corrupt, tyrannical, authoritarian, murderous, libelous, unlawfully established government with more blood on its hands than any other government in history is a piece of shit?

Nah. The U.S. government is a vile cesspool of rich elites that care nothing for their citizens.

This government kills people routinely. They deny healthcare to the sick and dying. They promote, encourage and engage in human trafficking on every level imaginable.

They launched a failed war on drugs that imprisoned hundreds of thousands of people just so the rich owners of contracted independent prisons could make a buck. They created an environment that is so hostile and resistant to change, growth and independent success that entire families have been imprisoned just for trying to find a way to feed their kids. The school-to-prison pipeline is so glaring and predominant among the poor that it's no longer a conspiracy theory, it's an established fact.

Then one guy becomes president and dares to call out and oppose this shitshow and is figuratively crucified for it and here you are casting stones from your keyboard?

I hope and desperately wish that we see another Civil War, because people that think like you need to be exterminated at all costs so that we can try to reorganize and restructure this mess that you fuckheads have created. Trump isn't what's wrong with this country. No. Cowardly little bitches like yourself that would shoot themselves in the foot to avoid a battle waged for the preservation of true freedom are the problem.
So what's the name of your militia???
Or do you just run your mouth 👄?
As long as we keep Orange Jesus out. Hopefully he will be in prison soon....
trump deranged.jpg
Maybe your just mad that you have to pay taxes period. You sure your not a dem?
So tell me how is the country better now than it was under trump. I'll wait.
Notice how the last question was avoided.
Wonder why that is?
Looking for a logical answer @Solomon Kane. What about you @swj snowflake?
Think you can answser it?
Btw. Does that stand for "small white Johnson"?


Good for the old guy. “Twump pwease save meee”. Cause trumps half of idiot america’s god? And I live in America and can’t stand 99% of the fucking morons that live here.

Solomon Kane

And so it begins..
Not avoiding the question, just feel that there's nothing more to add. You believe what you want.
King wannabe has been able to spin the narrative of a stolen election driven also by his minions
and was bought by the naïve, ignorant gullible Republicans.
I don't blame the government for most things as greedy fucks will be what they are.
High gas prices ? I blame the oil companies. High food prices ? I blame the system. High pharmaceutical
prices ? I blame big Pharma.
Anytime the government wants to step in to regulate the populace complains.. Capitalism baby..
The rich get richer and we get less..
As for paying taxes, I have no problem paying my share. So why are we the only ones ? you actually
believe the 1% pay there share? just ask Leona Helmsley she hit the nail on the head on that one.
You have all the right to have your opinion and I respect that. Have that same respect for others also.
Cheers ..
Not avoiding the question, just feel that there's nothing more to add. You believe what you want.
King wannabe has been able to spin the narrative of a stolen election driven also by his minions
and was bought by the naïve, ignorant gullible Republicans.
I don't blame the government for most things as greedy fucks will be what they are.
High gas prices ? I blame the oil companies. High food prices ? I blame the system. High pharmaceutical
prices ? I blame big Pharma.
Anytime the government wants to step in to regulate the populace complains.. Capitalism baby..
The rich get richer and we get less..
As for paying taxes, I have no problem paying my share. So why are we the only ones ? you actually
believe the 1% pay there share? just ask Leona Helmsley she hit the nail on the head on that one.
You have all the right to have your opinion and I respect that. Have that same respect for others also.
Cheers ..
I could go into it deeper and explain why prices jump around from administration to andministration. Government regulations have alot to to with it. But thats knowledge for you to gain on your own time. I do understand why you didnt answer the question. Exactly the same reason any of these other trump hating folks wont answer it. Theres only one answer and you dont like it.
But like you said, nobody is changing their mind as a result of this convo.
Dont get me wrong, I'm that conservative that will have a beer and talk about things with you without getting heated.
So cheers back, homie.

Not avoiding the question, just feel that there's nothing more to add. You believe what you want.
King wannabe has been able to spin the narrative of a stolen election driven also by his minions
and was bought by the naïve, ignorant gullible Republicans.
I don't blame the government for most things as greedy fucks will be what they are.
High gas prices ? I blame the oil companies. High food prices ? I blame the system. High pharmaceutical
prices ? I blame big Pharma.
Anytime the government wants to step in to regulate the populace complains.. Capitalism baby..
The rich get richer and we get less..
As for paying taxes, I have no problem paying my share. So why are we the only ones ? you actually
believe the 1% pay there share? just ask Leona Helmsley she hit the nail on the head on that one.
You have all the right to have your opinion and I respect that. Have that same respect for others also.
Cheers ..
Everything you said right here confirms that you know very little about how the country really works, as in, the shit going on that is never mentioned in the media.

You should spend some time researching just who exactly runs this country. You might be surprised.

Solomon Kane

And so it begins..
Everything you said right here confirms that you know very little about how the country really works, as in, the shit going on that is never mentioned in the media.

You should spend some time researching just who exactly runs this country. You might be surprised.
Guess your one of those.. must be the jews .. right ?