beatings MAGA Maggot Gets What He Deserves (1 Viewer)

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I really wished people would accept the fact that politicians aren't actually out there helping the little guys. They don't care about, actually they're probably hoping to you'll die before you become a burden to the state. Trump and Biden aren't sports team, we don't win a prize for voting for them. We will never even matter in politics, we're basically indentured servants at this point. FFS get a hobby and calm down.
yeah each and every single one of them is a fucking crook and a murderer who would have 0 qualms about killing any single one of their supporters for even the chance to be elected into power of any sort, they all deserve to be hung by the neck until death.

Solomon Kane

And so it begins..
I'm saying if you're not familiar with it, read up. Do some research. You might actually learn something.

You're quick to point a finger at Trump, but what about the people that are legitimately in control of the country?

It's absolutely mind-bending to see how it all works.
I did read up on it.. sorry, a little to Q'anon for my taste. You want the scoop as to who or what is running the country?
Greed and corruption, no real hidden agenda, simply greed and corruption..

Private Joker

Forum Veteran
Ya.. it's sad to see trump deranged your mind... That's what you want though....
You can get help if you want it. We still have health care. No thanks to him.

You should be tortured to death in a fucking gulag
Wouldn't that be awesome?Âż? I would love to see Trump in the gulag... You should read gulag archipelago by Aleksandr Solhenitsyn.... That's exactly what tyrants like Trump deserve...
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Grand Mal Caesar

Deplorable Ultra MAGA Garbage
There's plenty. Tons of it. Videos of ballots being destroyed, records of dead people voting, all kinds of shit. But people like you will find a way to twist the truth. There's no convincing you, so why waste my time?
Cunts like him don't even bother twisting the truth. They just flat out deny. He knows he's full of shit.


Fresh Meat
What makes you think he was a "MAGAMAGOT"? I'm a MAGAITE. God Bless President Trump!
Imagine being dumb enough to think that a billionaire who never engaged in philanthropy in his life is somehow on your side. This is why the rest of the world sees Americans as morons.

Trump is literally opposing border security legislation right now. And he never passed a single piece of immigration reform in the 2 years he had the house and senate. You’re such a gullible trumptard.