What are your gruesome fantasies? (5 Viewers)

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As a member of this site, I am sure a lot of you, just like me, has some pretty gruesome yet beautiful fantasies. Let’s all share them here!
I used to be suicidal, so I have thought a little bit about death, I would've liked to be hanged, my body thrown over a bridge with my stomach cut open so my guts would spill, now I wish I could stab my rapist to death or shoot him


As a member of this site, I am sure a lot of you, just like me, has some pretty gruesome yet beautiful fantasies. Let’s all share them here!

As a member of this site, I am sure a lot of you, just like me, has some pretty gruesome yet beautiful fantasies. Let’s all share them here!
Me, I'm not a psycho... But the only gruesome thing I fantasize involving blood is that, I will cut my GF finger a little and let blood flow out after that I will lick it knowing that we became one.


I’m here to have some fun
i like to step on ants and kill them. sometimes i rip off thier legs and make them die real slow like while other ants watch. all while i think of all the ants that ever bit me in the past. thats my greatest fantasy
I did that a lot as a kid actually.


I fantasize about raping, torturing, and dissecting this hot woman in my college class. The dissecting would be in front of her parents. But obviously I would never actually do this. A fantasy is obviously just a fantasy. People who rape and murder should be put to death.


I want to smash someone to goop with a sledgehammer and dump the body in a river.
for torture, I'd use the pear of anguish, fill their body with acid and leave them chained for a week.
Could also string their body with hundreds of wires like a fucking electrics DIY project and electrocute them.
Breaking each individual digit and then mutliating them slowly could be fun too but a bit slow
torture them torch their eyes stab their face slowly... pour acid on their chest, legs, face, make em drink it go on a shooting spree machete spree all kinds...
Luring a woman home or into the woods then using my partner as a weapon raping her, my partner doing as I tell him as I help hold her down, slicing her lower abdomen open so I can see him inside of her, killing them that way or by strangulation with a rope, making them choke on dick, or slitting their throat. Fucking the corpse alone and with my partner. Taking photos of/with the body. Dissection. Using some organs or body parts like the head as a fleshlight. Cooking and eating some of the meat. Keeping the blood to paint with. Burying the body parts in a remote forest or something. Just fantasies tho :)


Does floods washing out metro cities or volcano erupting count? I have good view on Mt Rainer and I want to see that fucker blow up. Just not in my direction.


Black Satanic Glamour
I don't wish many people harm tbh. But there are always exceptions. There was this kid i went to high school with who i always regretted never putting a beating on. I had fantasies back in the day about breaking his legs and watching his cry in pain.

My anger for this little guy only grows as i get older. he hasnt grown much, he's still really small and weak looking, (reason i never touched him back then was cause i was friends with his cousin(. so i have fantasies now about brutally beating him in front of his girlfriend. breaking his nose, arms, stomping on his hand, slowing breaking him down, making her watch as her "man" is helpless and scared. hell, id even love it if other people who also hated him joined in.

Unlike many people here, I can actually do what i dream about as i know the area he lives in, everytime i drive by, i get erect knowing i could see him. Cause if i do. It's on.


Oh, I’ll probably get banned. If I say what my fantasies are, let’s just say a young woman oh yes, the things I want to do I’ll get banned for so just let your imagination run wild.
Well, my fantasy isn't quite gruesome. But id like to be restrained permanently physically and chemically in a mental asylum. I have heard japan uses restraints on everyone in their mental facilities so I've been thinking of faking mental illness in Japan and then having my wife pick me up in a year or whenever she wanted. Ive Heard of a young man who was committed in Japan for smashing up his apartment and ended up being restrained to his bed for several months. Unfortunately he died of DVT. Have a great day everyone 😀


Fresh Meat
Well, it needs to someone who fits my definition of a bad person. Basically, someone who did something really heinous like in some of these videos to someone who I felt like didn't deserve it. For example, there's a few videos of Indian guys crippling or murdering women simply for rejecting them. I don't like that.

To be wholly successful, my plan is dependant on me bring able to kidnap and keep them captive for a long period of time.

So I take one of these guys and bring them into dungeon and then have a long, stern talk with them about their crime and their feelings and why they did it. I'll be judgemental and rough then up very lightly but won't seriously injure them. I imagine that they might proffer some insincere apology on the hopes that I'll release them for saying that they are sorry and I will support this belief telling them that I have had a change of heart and will be releasing them unharmed the next morning.

Then in the morning, I won't release them but instead will begin the first of many torture sessions. I will start by slowly cutting away small pieces of the fingers and toes and then stop, allowing their wounds to heal. I will tell them that I feel quite guilty and will for sure be releasing them this time, but I won't. Each successive session I will remove a few millimeters more of their fingers and toes. Eventually, after many sessions, they will be nothing more than a torso.

I would probably also incorporate the use of LSD to intensify the sessions through torture tripping.

I only feel this way about people who I think are really bad though. Specifically someone who hurts innocent people.