Favorite Serial Killer (1 Viewer)

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Fresh Meat
If I had to choose one.It would be Ted Bundy.In a short amount of time, he accumulated a substantial body count.It could have been much higher had he not limited himself to a specific profile of women.

I agree somewhat, he was indeed fascinating. But I can't get rid of the feeling he was just a little pussy ass bitch. Like Charles Manson said, Bundy was a mamas boy. In my opinion, every serial killer who's been caught and denies what they've done is a fucking shitty coward. If you have the guts to do fucked up shit, you better have the guts to take responsibility as well...
And he was incredibly stupid. Defending yourself in court? That was bound to be and EPIC fail.
But oh well, we fried him alright:toocool:

social outcast

karma can be expected
Did you know that the vast majority of serial killers commit their crimes under some sort of influence.The thought is already there.The substance acts as a facilitator to act out.When you combine no concience and lowered inhibition.It can be a deadly combination.
I had a vast collection of true crime in early 2000 and studied these fellows extensively. I don't remember seeing the correlation you posted nor did the detectives or investigators ever mention such a pattern. That statement sounds like the other outdated statements that the vast majority of serial killers tortured /abused animals, had a dysfunctional upbringing etc.

I seem to remembr the highly narcissistic chaps to be resolutely against the use of anything mind altering and abhorred those who succumbed to inhibitors. Although they never batted an eye at its use as a lure for a potential victim!

Don't get me wrong, there are those fellows that lost the control they would white knuckle to maintain everyday once they introduced alcohol or marijuana; to say the vast majority used drugs or alcohol does a grave injustice to the factual information that has been compiled and duly researched.

Personally, I found it utterly fascinating the individuals that could commit and maintain a deviant sociopathic lifestyle without the aid of mind altering chemicals. Its easier to swallow a psychopaths actions when we believe it was due to being in an intoxicated state and yet if we try to wholly comprehend their actions then we need to start with they more times than not committed their acts for love of a better high. Human suffering.


Oh, well, if you compare him to BTK, then you're a 100% right, haha. Luka Magnotta ? I have to go on that thread, thanks for the heads up. I can't believe he got arrested that fast.

He is infatuated with being famous so he didn't exactly try hard to not get caught. He made it rather easy actually. What shocks me is with all the evidence so far against him is he's pleaded not guilty and isn't trying the not criminally responsible plea. But I think this is his way to keep his name going in the spotlight for as long as possible. He's a Paul Bernardo wannabe. Even grew up in the same area as Bernardo


i would have to say dahmer.he wanted a partner and sought them out.once he got them,then they were his....he had this sexual mind thing going on that made them stay.....that and jack the ripper...because we dont even know who the fuck he is


Fresh Meat
How can anybody amire a serial killer???
I only can feel some pity for them;e.g for Aileen Wurios because she had a very bad childhood;but I never could admire such horrible serial killers..they make me sick and they are a shame for mankind


Fresh Meat
How can anybody amire a serial killer???
I only can feel some pity for them;e.g for Aileen Wurios because she had a very bad childhood;but I never could admire such horrible serial killers..they make me sick and they are a shame for mankind

inappropriate behavior

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How can anybody amire a serial killer???
I only can feel some pity for them;e.g for Aileen Wurios because she had a very bad childhood;but I never could admire such horrible serial killers..they make me sick and they are a shame for mankind

Yet here you are with the rest of us... Go figure.


your friendly neighbor
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He was never caught because technology was lacking during that period, and, had he have committed the murders in the present day, he would not have gotten very far. Nonetheless, his method WAS brutal and original - too many mimics and copycats around, though.
Why the hell would you speak of copycats? Are you going to claim any painter these days are copying PICASSO?


your friendly neighbor
This user was banned
My favorite one would be the one who shows his killing skills at the net while not getting caught for years.
Also he is torturing pedophiles, 'high society' BITCHES or famous people or just bitches at all
(take kate heigl for example, and I wasn't necessary thinking about JB but hell, I would watch it too.)
and a lot of fucking animal torturers. Put some EXTREME MUSLIMS there too.
I definitely will share a piece of my monthly earning for the man to set up a server..
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Internet Warrior
I don't admire any of them especially the ones like Bundy that prey on women, I find them fascinating true but that's a long way away from admiration, in truth I think they are scum but I can't help wanting to know what makes them tick and what they were thinking at the time they committed their crimes, I have no time at all for child killers and I don't care what they thought as they heard a child scream fuck them fuck them all they are fucking human waste. :rambo::rambo::rambo: :rambo::rambo::rambo: :rambo::rambo::rambo:


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Ed Gein: people never suspected he was a cannibal, made a "woman suit" out the skin of dead women and danced around in it during full moons, and made household items from skulls, bones and skin.
Albert Fish: Ate children. Was a masochist. Seemed like a kindly old man, but really enjoyed being perverse. Looked forward to the electric chair, said that it would be the "supreme thrill" of his life.
Carl Panzram: Had absolutely no conscience or remorse about the terrible things he did(and he did a lot of them).