Pennsylvania snow row leads to murder/suicide [raw video] (1 Viewer)

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R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
mister Jeffrey was ready to kill that couple. He come back very fast from his home carring a pistol . He shot twice inside her pussy .


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Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
Murder rate in the EU and the US...

1) First of all, the chart you posted is from the W.H.O.
The W.H.O. can't be trusted for the procurement of any accurate data statistics, because they have a vested interest in skewing data...instead of presenting objective facts.

2) You'll also notice that almost any homicide statistics you'll research for the European Union usually show "homicide rate"...instead of divulging hard numbers.
You can find hard numbers, but you have to search diligently...because they're suppressed by big tech...just like black crime versus white crime is suppressed by big tech.

3) The European Union consists of 27 countries. Let's just pick one of those countries...France.
Last year the number of homicides in France was about equivalent to 25% of the homicides in the entire United States. Just country out of 27.

4) The majority of violent crime and homicides in the United States are committed by blacks.

5) The majority of countries in the European Union have black populations that are less than 1%.

6) France has the highest black population with about 9%.

7) If you average in all of the whitest lower crime countries in the European Union along with the higher crime countries, then you can falsely skew the statistics to make it appear that all European countries have a "low homicide rate."

8) As the dumb-ass politicians in the European Union continue to open their borders to Negro "immigrants" and will see the violent crime and homicide numbers rise more and more in various European countries until all of the European Union becomes a shit-hole.

9) Take a look at how London fared during the UK's tenure in the European Union.
London used to be a very nice city. By the time the UK left the European Union, London had become known as "Stab City." Not to mention the numerous acid attacks.

1) First of all, the chart you posted is from the W.H.O.
The W.H.O. can't be trusted for the procurement of any accurate data statistics, because they have a vested interest in skewing data...instead of presenting objective facts.

2) You'll also notice that almost any homicide statistics you'll research for the European Union usually show "homicide rate"...instead of divulging hard numbers.
You can find hard numbers, but you have to search diligently...because they're suppressed by big tech...just like black crime versus white crime is suppressed by big tech.

3) The European Union consists of 27 countries. Let's just pick one of those countries...France.
Last year the number of homicides in France was about equivalent to 25% of the homicides in the entire United States. Just country out of 27.

4) The majority of violent crime and homicides in the United States are committed by blacks.

5) The majority of countries in the European Union have black populations that are less than 1%.

6) France has the highest black population with about 9%.

7) If you average in all of the whitest lower crime countries in the European Union along with the higher crime countries, then you can falsely skew the statistics to make it appear that all European countries have a "low homicide rate."

8) As the dumb-ass politicians in the European Union continue to open their borders to Negro "immigrants" and will see the violent crime and homicide numbers rise more and more in various European countries until all of the European Union becomes a shit-hole.

9) Take a look at how London fared during the UK's tenure in the European Union.
London used to be a very nice city. By the time the UK left the European Union, London had become known as "Stab City." Not to mention the

1) First of all, the chart you posted is from the W.H.O.
The W.H.O. can't be trusted for the procurement of any accurate data statistics, because they have a vested interest in skewing data...instead of presenting objective facts.

2) You'll also notice that almost any homicide statistics you'll research for the European Union usually show "homicide rate"...instead of divulging hard numbers.
You can find hard numbers, but you have to search diligently...because they're suppressed by big tech...just like black crime versus white crime is suppressed by big tech.

3) The European Union consists of 27 countries. Let's just pick one of those countries...France.
Last year the number of homicides in France was about equivalent to 25% of the homicides in the entire United States. Just country out of 27.

4) The majority of violent crime and homicides in the United States are committed by blacks.

5) The majority of countries in the European Union have black populations that are less than 1%.

6) France has the highest black population with about 9%.

7) If you average in all of the whitest lower crime countries in the European Union along with the higher crime countries, then you can falsely skew the statistics to make it appear that all European countries have a "low homicide rate."

8) As the dumb-ass politicians in the European Union continue to open their borders to Negro "immigrants" and will see the violent crime and homicide numbers rise more and more in various European countries until all of the European Union becomes a shit-hole.

9) Take a look at how London fared during the UK's tenure in the European Union.
London used to be a very nice city. By the time the UK left the European Union, London had become known as "Stab City." Not to mention the numerous acid attacks.

You're right. I admit it. But then let's just look at this situation. In my country, (Hungary) arms possession is subject to very strict conditions. Here, neither side could have a weapon ergo no one would shoot anyone.

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
In my country, (Hungary)...

Bud, that's all you have to say. You should have said so earlier. Respect.

Hungary is my favorite country in all of Europe.

Hungary is the most Nationalistic country in Europe.
Hungary is also the Whitest country in Europe

And the leaders in your country don't seem to take any bullshit from the EU.



Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
This is one of my favorite videos.

I have it downloaded and added to my personal collection.

Late last night I poured a scotch and lit up a nice cigar.
I set my video player to repeat, then leaned back in my chair with my feet up on my desk and contently puffed on my cigar while gently swirling the glass of scotch as I watched several viewings in a row of those two vile, toxic assholes getting shot to death.

He was probably prepared to kill himself quietly within his own confines, then these two idiots happen by.
Sound like real assholes that have been teaming up on the guy for a while.


R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
1) First of all, the chart you posted is from the W.H.O.
The W.H.O. can't be trusted for the procurement of any accurate data statistics, because they have a vested interest in skewing data...instead of presenting objective facts.

2) You'll also notice that almost any homicide statistics you'll research for the European Union usually show "homicide rate"...instead of divulging hard numbers.
You can find hard numbers, but you have to search diligently...because they're suppressed by big tech...just like black crime versus white crime is suppressed by big tech.

3) The European Union consists of 27 countries. Let's just pick one of those countries...France.
Last year the number of homicides in France was about equivalent to 25% of the homicides in the entire United States. Just country out of 27.

4) The majority of violent crime and homicides in the United States are committed by blacks.

5) The majority of countries in the European Union have black populations that are less than 1%.

6) France has the highest black population with about 9%.

7) If you average in all of the whitest lower crime countries in the European Union along with the higher crime countries, then you can falsely skew the statistics to make it appear that all European countries have a "low homicide rate."

8) As the dumb-ass politicians in the European Union continue to open their borders to Negro "immigrants" and will see the violent crime and homicide numbers rise more and more in various European countries until all of the European Union becomes a shit-hole.

9) Take a look at how London fared during the UK's tenure in the European Union.
London used to be a very nice city. By the time the UK left the European Union, London had become known as "Stab City." Not to mention the numerous acid attacks.

Agree with number 8 and 9


R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
This is one of my favorite videos.

I have it downloaded and added to my personal collection.

Late last night I poured a scotch and lit up a nice cigar.
I set my video player to repeat, then leaned back in my chair with my feet up on my desk and contently puffed on my cigar while gently swirling the glass of scotch as I watched several viewings in a row of those two vile, toxic assholes getting shot to death.

Take your brain meds