Pennsylvania snow row leads to murder/suicide [raw video] (2 Viewers)

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Why should they have done that?
The situation didn't concern them and was none of their business.

The couple (James and Lisa Goy) were hateful, contentious, vile assholes.

Why on earth should anyone be concerned about helping them to "survive?"

They pushed a guy to his breaking point, and they reaped what they sowed.

The guy committed suicide right after so what was the point?? He really got no gratification cause he's dead too... Idgaf that they died, but if you're gonna go kill someone after they call you a few names then at least enjoy it, don't be a coward and kill yourself 😂


Just a fabulous video. It was so much fun to watch! Very unusual to have clear audio and video to enjoy. Great that it was the Goy’s own camera! I wonder who posted it? 👍

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
He really got no gratification cause he's dead too.

He got plenty of gratification.

He'd obviously reached a point where he didn't care if he was dead.

But the assholes James and Lisa Goy didn't want to die. James Goy was screaming in terror and yelling for someone to "call the cops" because he was so afraid of dying.

But the shooter, Jeffrey Spaide, shot both of them to death.
Thus, to quote William Munny..."He took away everything they have and everything they were ever gonna have."

And he didn't kill them quickly either with a quick shot to the head of each one of them. No...he made them suffer. They had time to think about what was happening to them, they had time to feel the pain of those bullets, and they were aware that they were slipping into death.

Yeah...that was very, very satisfying for Mr. Spaide.

And then later on, when he saw the police begin to walk up to his door, he put a quick bullet into his head...instant lights out...thus ensuring that he wouldn't spend a single day in jail or experience any pain.

And the good work that he did lives on...because he rid the landscape of two hateful, vile, toxic assholes.



Jeffrey showed that he has his own laws. he was tired and pissed off with that couple. the couple never expected to be killed, as they considered that jeffrey a weak queer. Jeffrey brought a big surprise to couple . He brought death to bouth.

Jeffrey probably was a wanker pornhub fan
The great majority of gun deaths in the USA are caused by criminals using illegally obtained firearms to shoot other criminals. Specifically, black Americans commit the great majority of firearm-related murders. If gun ownership is outlawed in the US, illegal firearms will simply flow into the country from the same vector that drugs and immigrants do: from Mexico (and points south). Gun nuts and crazies, too, will still be able to obtain them, not only criminals.

Only a fraction of 1% of firearm deaths in the USA are caused by legally-owned firearms, and of those, most were stolen. The very occasional sensational tragedy, which considered altogether represent a drop in the bucket compared to the deaths caused simply by texting while driving, isn't a compelling reason to lay down our arms.
I'm not for outlawing weapons, but universal background checks would help a bit.

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
I'm not for outlawing weapons, but universal background checks would help a bit.

Mr. Cricket, universal background checks, or any other firearms regulations, only affect law abiding gun owners...and law abiding gun owners don't commit the overwhelmingly vast majority of gun crimes in the United States.

And that's because law abiding gun guessed it...abide by the law.

Criminals, gang bangers, etc., don't give a shit about any gun laws or regulations, because they don't abide by any gun laws or regulations to begin with.
The vast majority of them obtain their firearms through theft, on the "black market," or by some other nefarious means.

Stricter gun laws and regulations will only affect law abiding citizens, and will only serve to further impede their ability to defend themselves from the criminal element of society.



He got plenty of gratification.

He'd obviously reached a point where he didn't care if he was dead.

But the assholes James and Lisa Goy didn't want to die. James Goy was screaming in terror and yelling for someone to "call the cops" because he was so afraid of dying.

But the shooter, Jeffrey Spaide, shot both of them to death.
Thus, to quote William Munny..."He took away everything they have and everything they were ever gonna have."

And he didn't kill them quickly either with a quick shot to the head of each one of them. No...he made them suffer. They had time to think about what was happening to them, they had time to feel the pain of those bullets, and they were aware that they were slipping into death.

Yeah...that was very, very satisfying for Mr. Spaide.

And then later on, when he saw the police begin to walk up to his door, he put a quick bullet into his head...instant lights out...thus ensuring that he wouldn't spend a single day in jail or experience any pain.

And the good work that he did lives on...because he rid the landscape of two hateful, vile, toxic assholes.

Alright smarty pants 😂

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
White people are stupid lol

Negroes are stupider...much, much stupider.

Over seven thousand (7,000) Negroes are killed by other Negroes every year...every the United States.

Now Gadessa, you have to admit, that's pretty goddamn stupid...and violent...and evil.

Any idiot could have a weapon in the US to kill each other for small insignificant disputes.In Europe, they would only argue for a few minutes and it’s over.