Serious Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade, Ending 50 Years Of Federal Abortion Rights (1 Viewer)

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silent ghost
Oh no! Some whore may have to use birth control. Where is her rights. She should be able to take that nut and allow life to start then snuff it out. It's almost like it's the 1980s and 90s again. Oh boo fucking hoo.
some cases birth control isnt just protection for the broad to not get prego. it also helps aid in their period. help regulate it and keep it on track. my daughter isnt active. shes on the pill for menstrual reasons. (thank god. because if not,things could be worse. not like they cant get any worse. but im sure theres another level that hasnt been unlocked yet)


its not so much the right to go to states that perform them. its the fact the govt still has a strong hold on womens rights with their bodies.

if this was about men,there wouldnt be this discussion.

It’s about the constitution. I would probably be ok with it if the government treated it fairly….if some whore wants to have the right to abort the kid and not give the man any say so, then he should have the exact same right of not having to support that kid for 18 years and have nothing to do with it…..the stories you don’t hear, AND THERE ARE THOUSANDS, are the men who are begging the woman not to abort their child or how the woman aborts the child to get back at the man.
New and Improved.


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The one you were warned about.
A little backstory, I am adopted, given up becore I was born. As I understand it my birth mother was going to abort me, but was talked out of it by her mother and aunts. I myself had shit parents, whom I have nothing to do with as an adult and I got a girl pregenant whrn I was 15. I stepped up and to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for my actions, I transfered to an alternative school (public half day school usually reserved for tro so I could get a job in the afternoons She wanted to abort and I talked her out of it, my daughter is now 19 and training to be an RN.


White is right. Keep the white race pure🫡
... but the act of War, is ok....
My opinion is that NO MAN should have a say on this matter. ZERO SAY.
Soon enough this world gunna be so massively Pussified that Jerking off will be considered murder. A Sperm must be "alive", it swims to the egg from some balls......So don't buss into a sock, or in the shower.... or on titties... the list goes on and on and on....
Okay so then men shouldn’t be forced to have or take care of the child when the women wants to keep it then. Let’s not pretend these whores don’t try to trap men with a kid. It’s 2022 and abortion is utterly ridiculous. Birth control is widely available and free so let’s make people actually take responsibility for their actions
The hard right tards are pushing the Night of Rage. They're planning to dress like antifa, set stuff on fire, and then say blm did it.

If the constitution doesn't recognize our autonomy then maybe we shouldn't pay taxes. I don't believe they understand just how many new poor brown voters they created.
Does the brown community know how birth control works? Or are you saying they’re too retarted to figure that out? And abortion is illegal after almost THREE months. So you still have a chance to murder your baby. Don’t worry, just not when it’s fully formed
Remember ladies, I'm always here to help in this time of need.

View attachment 595315
Idk why, but you seem trustworthy to preform one. I'd trust you.
And how is that? Where does the constitution say that abortion is a right? It doesn’t….Government needs to get the fuck out of the way…less government.
You want the government to get out of your way by telling you whether or not you can get an abortion? Don't pretend it's a government over reach issue, if anything there was less government intervention with Roe v Wade, one decision that allows the ability and access to an abortion, now it's a state issue and the state has the ability to undermine someones ability to get one.

Roe v Wade perfected it tbh, you can get one if you want, but if you don't want one, it's was up to the individual, now it's up to the state, ie the government.
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This user was banned
Okay so then men shouldn’t be forced to have or take care of the child when the women wants to keep it then. Let’s not pretend these whores don’t try to trap men with a kid. It’s 2022 and abortion is utterly ridiculous. Birth control is widely available and free so let’s make people actually take responsibility for their actions

Does the brown community know how birth control works? Or are you saying they’re too retarted to figure that out? And abortion is illegal after almost THREE months. So you still have a chance to murder your baby. Don’t worry, just not when it’s fully formed
I suppose it would depend on the land you're standing. If you're brown in Texas you're fucked because they had trigger laws and made it a felony in 30 days. They also decided to get rid of sex education all together in school. So I suppose they will have to get their reproductive guidance and sex education from the church. Now you're going to be trapped by a fetus and paying the mom an extra nine months. Maybe you should get a vasectomy.


The one you were warned about.
And I always love the enthusiasm of “pro life” advocates whom go to great lengths to protect a fetus, but once the fetus becomes a born child, withdraw all support and tell the kid “you’re on your own kid! Pull up them bootstraps and don’t ask me for shit!” And people wonder why the u.s. is becoming a deeper ShitHole every passing day........
14ZombieE88. You must live in that ShitHole. Lol! Good Luck fuckface.........
14ZombieE88. You must live in that backwards ass ShitHole! Good luck fuckface......
It's a shithole because of all the fucking retards in it, the vast majority of which live in the large, shithole cities, outside of the cities is a different world.
A little backstory, I am adopted, given up becore I was born. As I understand it my birth mother was going to abort me, but was talked out of it by her mother and aunts. I myself had shit parents, whom I have nothing to do with as an adult and I got a girl pregenant whrn I was 15. I stepped up and to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for my actions, I transfered to an alternative school (public half day school usually reserved for tro so I could get a job in the afternoons She wanted to abort and I talked her out of it, my daughter is now 19 and training to be an RN.
I have 4 girls and 2 boys, and I have been in all of their lives since day one, there are no excuses here for anyone. I come from poverty, and started my adult life at an age where it was very hard to be taken seriously, my parents never taught me shit, everything I have I got on my own.
I suppose it would depend on the land you're standing. If you're brown in Texas you're fucked because they had trigger laws and made it a felony in 30 days. They also decided to get rid of sex education all together in school. So I suppose they will have to get their reproductive guidance and sex education from the church. Now you're going to be trapped by a fetus and paying the mom an extra nine months. Maybe you should get a vasectomy.
Maybe parents should do their fucking duty and teach the kids instead of relying on school or social media?


Idk why, but you seem trustworthy to preform one. I'd trust you.

You want the government to get out of your way by telling you whether or not you can get an abortion? Don't pretend it's a government over reach issue, if anything there was less government intervention with Roe v Wade, one decision that allows the ability and access to an abortion, now it's a state issue and the state has the ability to undermine someones ability to get one.

Roe v Wade perfected it tbh, you can get one if you want, but if you don't want one, it's was up to the individual, now it's up to the state, ie the government.
It’s up to the state and the ELECTED OFFICIALS the people elect…..even the original court said that the constitution does not protect abortion and years after the original decision the court said their decision was wrong…..and you must me a little slow if you think the original court perfected it….you had states making laws to counteract the wrong court decision… was chaos.


This user was banned
It's a shithole because of all the fucking retards in it, the vast majority of which live in the large, shithole cities, outside of the cities is a different world.

I have 4 girls and 2 boys, and I have been in all of their lives since day one, there are no excuses here for anyone. I come from poverty, and started my adult life at an age where it was very hard to be taken seriously, my parents never taught me shit, everything I have I got on my own.

Maybe parents should do their fucking duty and teach the kids instead of relying on school or social media?
Obviously shit parents exist, you said so yourself. You got someone pregnant at 15, just like the niggers you like to complain about. You have six kids that you probably struggled to care for and you already admitted to me you're raising them to hate and that their education isn't important. You told me your auntie teachers were against standarized testing and here you are talking about an RN daughter in college. lol Did you ever consider she may not be yours? You seem like such a happy advocate for a saved abortion.
It’s up to the state and the ELECTED OFFICIALS the people elect…..even the original court said that the constitution does not protect abortion and years after the original decision the court said their decision was wrong…..and you must me a little slow if you think the original court perfected it….you had states making laws to counteract the wrong court decision… was chaos.
Did you ever wonder why everyone doesn't get to vote on it?


The one you were warned about.
Obviously shit parents exist, you said so yourself. You got someone pregnant at 15, just like the niggers you like to complain about. You have six kids that you probably struggled to care for and you already admitted to me you're raising them to hate and that their education isn't important. You told me your auntie teachers were against standarized testing and here you are talking about an RN daughter in college. lol Did you ever consider she may not be yours? You seem like such a happy advocate for a saved abortion.

Did you ever wonder why everyone doesn't get to vote on it?
I was an idiotic, uniformed teenager because I had shit parents, I have not struggled finacially for the most part eith my kids, it has taken a lot of hard work and I am very frugal which has helped. I have not taught them hate, mearly shown them the truth to the world so they can make their own decisions. I don't want my kids to be a victim of blacks because they don't understand who they are dealing with. It was her choice to go for RN, it's a decision my wife and I both tried to talk her out of. I care a great deal about her education which is why we homeschooled in the first place. Public schools suck. It may be that she is not, but she damn she looks just like a female version of me.

As I said earlier, if you want to go have an abortion, I don't care because it doesn't affect me at all, but I don't agree with abortion, life begins at conception, and abortion is murder.

Ever wonder why the only people that had voting rights at the founding of this country were land owning white men?


This user was banned
I was an idiotic, uniformed teenager because I had shit parents, I have not struggled finacially for the most part eith my kids, it has taken a lot of hard work and I am very frugal which has helped. I have not taught them hate, mearly shown them the truth to the world so they can make their own decisions. I don't want my kids to be a victim of blacks because they don't understand who they are dealing with. It was her choice to go for RN, it's a decision my wife and I both tried to talk her out of. I care a great deal about her education which is why we homeschooled in the first place. Public schools suck. It may be that she is not, but she damn she looks just like a female version of me.

As I said earlier, if you want to go have an abortion, I don't care because it doesn't affect me at all, but I don't agree with abortion, life begins at conception, and abortion is murder.

Ever wonder why the only people that had voting rights at the founding of this country were land owning white men?

Why would I wonder about that? I know the racist history of this county.

So how did your daughter go from 11th grade back in Feb to now 19 in nursing school? I'm sure it's hard to keep the bullshit straight.

(I have 6 kids from K-11th right now and 2 aunts who are teachers).
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silent ghost
It’s about the constitution. I would probably be ok with it if the government treated it fairly….if some whore wants to have the right to abort the kid and not give the man any say so, then he should have the exact same right of not having to support that kid for 18 years and have nothing to do with it…..the stories you don’t hear, AND THERE ARE THOUSANDS, are the men who are begging the woman not to abort their child or how the woman aborts the child to get back at the man.
New and Improved.
i know the stories. there are guys who dont support their kid. let alone have anything to do with them. when he doesnt want the kid and she does. so its a 2 way street.
yes them women are being vindictive on that abortion act. but then again,the woman doesnt want the kid and the guy does. is the guy carrying it to full term and giving birth to it? its all easy to say,till were in the womans shoes. imo.
It’s up to the state and the ELECTED OFFICIALS the people elect…..even the original court said that the constitution does not protect abortion and years after the original decision the court said their decision was wrong…..and you must me a little slow if you think the original court perfected it….you had states making laws to counteract the wrong court decision… was chaos.
Whereas before it was up to the individual. Don't bitch and moan about "too much gubermint" when you're literally arguing in favor of government interference.
I was an idiotic, uniformed teenager because I had shit parents, I have not struggled finacially for the most part eith my kids, it has taken a lot of hard work and I am very frugal which has helped. I have not taught them hate, mearly shown them the truth to the world so they can make their own decisions. I don't want my kids to be a victim of blacks because they don't understand who they are dealing with. It was her choice to go for RN, it's a decision my wife and I both tried to talk her out of. I care a great deal about her education which is why we homeschooled in the first place. Public schools suck. It may be that she is not, but she damn she looks just like a female version of me.

As I said earlier, if you want to go have an abortion, I don't care because it doesn't affect me at all, but I don't agree with abortion, life begins at conception, and abortion is murder.

Ever wonder why the only people that had voting rights at the founding of this country were land owning white men?
You say you want to teach your kids "the truth", and then spew a bunch of your own backwards personal beliefs. Thankfully I have friends with parents like you, they usually just try to spend as much time away from their parents as they can.


silent ghost
ok so say now these women who live in states where abortion is illegal,will either be walking out of the hospitals right after giving birth,or dropping the baby off at the fire house or church. because they didnt want the kid to begin with and the state forced them to have it.
this sounds plausible. right? because it doesnt sound too far fetched, to me.


R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
It's a shithole because of all the fucking retards in it, the vast majority of which live in the large, shithole cities, outside of the cities is a different world.

I have 4 girls and 2 boys, and I have been in all of their lives since day one, there are no excuses here for anyone. I come from poverty, and started my adult life at an age where it was very hard to be taken seriously, my parents never taught me shit, everything I have I got on my own.

Maybe parents should do their fucking duty and teach the kids instead of relying on school or social media?
Now you need vasectomy. 6 kids are too much