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Hi, I am searching for the full image that I put below, I know it's here because I came across it but I didn't download it. So if anyone has it, please help!

Hi, I am searching for the full image that I put below, I know it's here because I came across it but I didn't download it. So if anyone has it, please help!
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This user was banned
I have a weird request.

I was randomly googling “gory death photos” (or something along those lines) on Google about five or so years ago, and through lots of digging, found a photo of what appears to be a Caucasian dude dead in some kind of shopping cart? The website was obscure from what I remember and it said that the victim was some sort of shoplifter or thief who was shot dead in France. The article was dated to 2014 iirc.

Maybe, this was a fever dream. Idk. I tried to find it again not long ago, to no avail.


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anybody got some uncensored vids / pics from the recent hawaii fire? current death count is 50+ and growing, many people burned and some drowned trying to escape into the sea.
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Foreskin Goblin

Meth connoisseur
Looking for one of those 50s to 70s videos, ive seen one floating around once though not online, i gotta see one again that shit was nuts.

Or honestly fuck it i love literally anything from those old asylums, they did so many horrific things to people in the name of science.

If anyone has anything or any suggestions of places to look id appreciate it.

Funny thing is id probably be in one of those places if i was born earlier than i was


Forum Veteran
Making normal people retarded for fun.

Use to be a doctor back in the day who would travel across the states to tent church revives claiming to these town folk's wives that this procedure could cure anything and everything from constant migraines to improving female sex drive. So many people would agree that he would do the lobotomy right there in front of crowds and it would take only minutes.

Husbands would come back to either complain that after the doctors procedures their wives weren't the same but other husbands would say that what the doctor did help them because their wives no longer were uncompliant and much more submissive to there husbands. When word got out about this more husbands would send there wives to go see the good doctor.


I'm looking for a video I saw on Twitter! It was a woman (I think?) trapped between a bus and a telephone pole by her neck. The bus slowly moves to try and give her some room, but the pressure between the bus and pole just pops the woman's head right off.


I'm looking for a video where a 50mm turret shoots a civilian car (ukrain) and kills/injures a civil (or 2) and his dogs.
Was posted a few months ago, but not able to find it.
Been looking for some time for a video, where an arab prisoner (maybe from Irak), is forced to lie face down, and the guards begin to slam him in the ass with a plank until his ass turns solid black.

Was posted in best gore years ago, but I couldn't find it nowadays...


This user was banned
Okay, so I am sure I've requested both of those more than once on here. Forgive me for my amnesia. But, there are two separate sets of gory imagery that I've been aching to get my hands on for years now. Well, the first one is an image (or images) but the second is a video.

#1 - Elderly man hung himself from a bridge in Wildwood, Florida. I remember seeing the photo on "" on the same day that it happened. It stood out to me because I was living in Florida at the time, still am. This was back in 2013. Years later, I search through that website's archives and nothing came up regarding any sort of hanging death in Florida. Now, that website is defunct but hear me out, I actually tried to search the site on Wayback Machine and there is absolutely nothing archived within' a week of the man's death. Ditto for other websites, this one included. November 2013 is a blank spot for most gore website archives and I don't really know why.

#2 - This one I've already talked about on here for certain but I will give it another go in the very unlikely event that somebody here has somehow saved the video and doesn't even know it. It's the fatal car wreck of Dayna Kempson Schacht. Blonde white chick crashed her car into a tree, died on impact and a first responder (black dude named Terry Reid) filmed the wreck's aftermath while making insensitively snarky commentary about her body's shape. At one point, he says "there's a piece of her skull right there on the console". What the first responders (or firefighters?) did was callous and unprofessional AF but they opened the damn pandora box and I want in. I mean.... the video WAS online for a brief period of time, supposedly on YouTube, but there are no traces of it anymore except for an audio excerpt in a news segment.

Again, I doubt anywhere here can help me out but fingers crossed anyways.


Hi, I'm looking for several videos of babies who have severe deformities like Neu Laxova Syndrome, Harlequin Ichthyosis, etc. It would be desirable if there were no smartphone or handy recordings, but full-screen camera recordings and, if possible, good image quality. If it's older videos, I'll take them too, of course.

Otherwise, I'm still looking for videos in which babies, embryos, fetuses, human body parts, etc. are archived in formaldehyde in glass. It may well go in the direction of the shockumentary "MUTE". The more it comes together, the better it would be, of course, because I need all the videos I'm looking for for a current project.


Does anyone know if there's footage of the Instagram livestream from Connor Sturgeon, the Old national bank shooter? I've already seen the cop footage.
I have a post similar to one by Burzoroth above. Searching for information about the case of the girl who was born with severe Treacher Collins syndrome. Her case was extensively publicized at the time. She was born without the bottom jaw and she couldn't close her eyes. I remember from the program about her that she had this nanny that said that she applies some transparent clingy tape to her eyes in order to prevent them from drying out. At the time the girl was known to have undergone 40 surgeries to improve her appearance. I remember there was a later update on her where they showed her grown up, looking better and speaking via sign language. But that was already years ago and I haven't been able to find any update about her. Her name was Julianna Moor, however I don't know how to spell it correctly and no matter how I try different variations I am not able to trace anything even the old images/info/ I was wondering if anyone knows what I'm talking about and can link me to the sources.

So there’s a 29 year old Guatemalan woman whose face was cut in half horizontally, and dismembered hands by her husband. has it but whole platform is sketchy so I haven’t seen it yet.
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Want some Acid?
If anyone comes in while i'm here canya'll maybe help me find a video? It's the video where a russin guy got tricked by whores, they gave him ghb and he looked like he had a seizure and shit. This was playing in the background : appreciate it!