What are your gruesome fantasies? (1 Viewer)

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Fresh Meat
I find the idea of just killing 'someone' regardless of whether that person is innocent or deserving of punishment to really make my blood boil. Posters in the thread, some of whom are already banned, that want to hurt innocents... I would like to have them be a part of my multi-year torture fest. Of course, everything I have suggested, I have to be willing to accept for myself. I imagine I would scream and cry like a little baby over every unpleasant experience. I don't have confidence in my stoicism.


Constantly laughing at the world
The lady who lives next door is a trouble making old tart. I fantasize about a violent intruder choosing her house to hide away in one night and choking her to death with her own stockings... while I quietly watch through a small hole in my fence.... and nobody would ever know.


The fact that you’re even on this site and this goes to everyone you’re a sick fuck so to all who are playing holier than now go fuck yourselves we all got sick erotic fantasies. Otherwise we wouldn’t even be on the site to stop playing holier than thou this is the best site on the Internet so if you can’t handle the heat, get the fuck off the site, this is a site where people can tell their fantasies. If you can’t handle it get off the site.

You know, at least I have the balls to fucking see what my fantasies are the fact that y’all anyone on this site playing holier than thou let’s face it anyone on this site we’re all sick fucks we all have fantasies at least I have the balls to fucking say this site is fucking awesome so you know what if you’re on this site you can’t fucking see what your fantasies are then get the fuck off you can’t take the heat get the fuck off stop playing this hole you’re at the mail bullshit grow some balls y’all got fantasies otherwise y’all wouldn’t be here on this site. This site is the best site on the Internet, hands-down
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Not sure if it's gruesome, but I certainly fantasise a lot about being kidnapped, kept, and heavy bondage/duct tape/things against my will. In reality I'm a softy, so it's sort of strange that I have these desires, sort of scares me.

Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
I've decided I want to become a serial killer, my victims will be retards. No not real handicapped retards, most of them are lovely people who shouldn't be off'd because god/mother nature played dice with their DNA. I'm talking about dumb mother fuckers who make life difficult for everyone else. And I wouldn't be cruel about it, I think something like Anton Chigurh in No Country for Old Men. A captive bolt gun is quick, mostly bloodless and I think painless (the cows don't seem to mind) AND they're battery powered now so I wouldn't have to carry around a silly air tank.

I might even be viewed as almost hero like for taking out the trash.


Finally Snapping and letting myself slaughter the ones that’s have deeply emotionally hurt me or used me, watch them finally feel the pain they caused me, I don’t fantasise, feel it coming day by day, I used to fight it I did, but now I seem to let it grow, admittedly I’ve not hurt anyone, but I know the time will come if life continues its course, which it has so I don’t see it changing now, I used to offer the world so much love and care, but now I love the “Utility” of the person I’m becoming, the potential of the cold, precise, efficient, effective, unfazed killer I could be, the way I feel I could get away with it too, I just think I’m a different breed sometimes, a darker more sadistic killer, there is that little part of me clinging on hoping it changes, hoping begging it doesn’t go this way, but I’m starting to slip and I don’t know if I can get back up.

JOKING INCASE ANYONE THINKS IM KILLING ANYONE not gunna happen enjoy my story!..


As a member of this site, I am sure a lot of you, just like me, has some pretty gruesome yet beautiful fantasies. Let’s all share them here!
My fantasy to rape kill and cannibalize a beautiful woman cutting out the beating heart and eating it dismembering her slowly it's such a beautiful fantasy and I love it