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It is what it is, so I hear
Hello my fellow demented shit heads. If you guys make , please tag me or guide me to all the videos from the bombardments and just mayhem going on . Sometimes the videos actually hold a lot of valuable information. That's not why i want to see them I just wanna see A bunch of fucking religious nutjobs kill themselves
War Forum < check it out bro


There is a recent video of a chink crabbing over and behind his head and I think into the eye then attacks the victim w the knife. Video messed up half way now I can't find the damn thing. Thats all I got to go on, any help would be great 👍
Hello goregrish community I’m looking for this specific video it was isis based it was a guy running in the desert then he suddenly blows up maybe suicide bomb please help me find this


Fresh Meat
For the past three weeks or so, a vid I watched several months back of a dude in a hospital bed with his face completely obliterated, freaking the fuck out and flailing his arms around. For some odd reason the thought of that was just circulating in memory and been wanting to give a good watch. As far as my memory of the situation goes, it was failed shotgun suicide or some shit like that, and very certain that someone here can post said vid based on the bit of description that I gave. All I can say is that, out of pure morbid curiosity, would appreciate to see it again just for the sake of mentally scarring myself again. Thanks to who ever comments the vid on this thread.


Fresh Meat
It might be but I do remember(could be false memory) the guy flailing his arms around as well. But good find though. 👍👍

wtf is a Yeetermeister, dude? 🤣

how could you be here this long and not know there's a thread for this
also a search bar...

ok sorry lol i will give you a follow job 🤣
Just randomly thought of the username. Appreciate the follow.