Favorite type of gore? (2 Viewers)

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this is my first post!! Yay!!!

I was just curious, what’s everyone’s favorite type of gore? I love a good bloater, and industrial accidents with aftermath. Or watching
someone get creamed by a car. Or bdsm gore lol but mostly bloaters and industrial. Yours?

Hey, DessyJay: I'm glad you asked that question! It's a nice day for a sick murder-I like my GORE served up medium-rare.......


Poster girl
Pics in which there is a good shot of the deceased's eyes. Medical/diseases/deformities.
Industrial/job gore. Victims of serial killers. Anything that is unusual, unique, or especially odd.
I don't care for torture. I only want to see them afterwards- already dead.


I really like suicide gore (shooting or hanging specifically) and self harm cutting
also stabbing and sometime animal/vehicle accidents
Anything with lots of blood really


The Constant Lurker
But there's a short clip of someone who's stuck in a rhino's ass, maybe I'll find it.
Accidents, natural accidents or escalating fights. Also in some occasions beating on homeless. I hate homeless people, in L.A. they tried to rob me twice and broke my car window once. Fuck. It started when I stabbed a homeless person leaning on my car when I saw him bleed and hit the ground I felt amazing, I was maybe 18 at the time before I left to Oklahoma. But just recently, I moved back here and they are the same. Probably how I ended up a member here tbh.