Pennsylvania snow row leads to murder/suicide [raw video] (1 Viewer)

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you don't see that everyday
Kills his neighbors and his self over snow, what an idiot glad he's not polluting our earth anymore


Forum Veteran
I hate to have to take this stance, but they deserved what they got. Not only for testing his gangster, but also for standing there like a couple of jackasses as he’s actively firing a gun in their direction. I would’ve been halfway across the state by the time he finally started getting accurate hits.


Cunning Linguist
I know yanks like guns but this guy reacted to being called a pussy by proving that he is in fact a pussy. A gun doesn't make anyone a man, it makes them a coward.


‘Twas a lovely winter morn fresh with fallen snow. How beautiful a day could begin?
Then a few assholes jumped in.


Forum Veteran
Armed only with his yappy wife this brave but stupid man began writting cheques with his ego that his body couldn't cash.

He will spend all eternity in hell flying plastic dog shit outta Hong Kong...