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There is a video of 4 young people in some foreign country who have just been in a bad car crash. The bodies have been thrown in 4 different directions. One is still alive and trying to stand up but his body parts are all mangled and won’t support him. Two look dead and then the 4th one is a female who has been thrown behind the vehicle and she is doing some very interesting fish gulp agonal breathing and I think it is just fascinating. Anyone recognize this description? I know it’s a long shot.

Forest Gump

First post so I fully expect a kind welcoming. Now, down to business.

Looking for video of someone getting beat to death by his own fist after having his arm cut off.


Yep! I'd definitely call that Trouble! Just imagine WTF Their thinking ,At the Absolute Mercy of these Fkn Murdering Madmen! Hard Core Peeps!...SP


The Supreme Court of the Chechen Republic sentenced a certain Ilyas Dashaev to 25 years in prison. Only one episode of the criminal activity of this young man born in 1982 appears in the verdict. This case, nevertheless, goes beyond all limits both in its savagery and in its cruelty.

The court found that a native of the village of Gekhi Dashaev, as part of an armed gang commanded by the notorious thug Islam Chalaev, kidnapped three people in early October 2001 - two women and a man. The bandits took them to the village of Alkhan-Kala. At first they were interrogated and beaten. Then one woman's head was cut off, the second was shot, and the man was released. The bandits recorded the crime on video, which later became the starting point for the investigators of the republican prosecutor's office.

At one time, a lot of shocking records circulated in Chechnya. But then the investigators were faced with the fact that the bandits kidnapped a family in which the husband Khasan Edilgireyev was a Chechen, and his wife Tatyana Usmanova was Russian. Her friend Lena Gaevskaya was also Russian. Later at the trial, the only accused Dashaev - the rest of the gang members, along with the leader by that time, had been destroyed - tried to imagine that the family had been kidnapped for allegedly cooperating with the federal authorities.

But the state prosecutor thought otherwise. The shots of the terrible video capture the last moments of the life of the unfortunate women, and those who have nerves to watch the recording to the end will understand that the murders were committed only because the Russian, according to the bandits, should not have lived with a Chechen in the world and with one family ...

By the early 2000s, the situation in Chechnya had changed dramatically compared to the mid-nineties. If in the first Chechen campaign the Chechens did not need to be persuaded to fight the federals, then after the attack of the Basayev and Khattab gangs on Dagestan, people began to look at the role of the so-called field commanders in a completely different way. Many Chechens realized that their real enemies were not in Russia at all, and began to help the federal authorities to establish a peaceful life in the destroyed republic.

This gave Chalaev's bandits no rest. Therefore, having killed his wife and her friend, they released the Chechen. The prosecutor's office is sure that the Chechen Edilgireyev was not left alive because he cooperated with the authorities less than his wife. The bandits had to demonstratively play off the Russian population with the Chechens. Therefore, they filmed everything, for which they later replicated terrible footage of Chechnya.

In front of the husband's eyes, his wife was laid on the ground and a hole was dug for the blood to drain. Dashaev held the unfortunate woman by the arms and legs. Arbi Khaskhanov was the first to approach the victim with a knife. He made several cuts in the woman's neck. Then Adlan Barayev took up the knife, who also cut him in the throat with a regular movement of the butcher. The case was completed by Dashaev, who separated the woman's head from the body, and then got up and holding her hair with a contented look began to pose for the camera. The operator, another of the bandits, the notorious Khamzat Tazabaev, nicknamed Tazik, was filming the terrible action with satisfaction.

Edilgireyev still cannot recall without a shudder the cruelty with which they killed his wife. The video shows that the executioners like their "work".

At the trial, the prosecutor's office demanded life imprisonment for Dashaev, but the court did not agree with the arguments of the state prosecutor. Although the judge considered Dashaev's guilt proven, he gave the defendant 25 years. The prosecutor's office did not agree with the verdict and is going to file a cassation submission the other day.

She believes that a demonstrative gruesome murder requires the maximum punishment. The bandits who are trying to kindle the flames of interethnic enmity with such bloody acts should know that only one prospect awaits them - to sit behind bars until the end of their days.