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I shall do some searching
Did you find it?
Im looking for Bianca Devins videos. The first one is 10:14 min long, showing her and her murderer talking and him slicing her neck. Second one being 18 seconds, showing her last breaths. Would be highly appreciated, can pay for them if any1 has them. Thanks.


christchurch massacre? how the fuck does THE goregrish not have this damn video? anyone know where I can find this classic?


My request, if anyone has it, is the video of one of Dr. Kevorkian's assisted suicide deaths. I remember reading that one was recorded from start to finish and put on the news or something, but I haven't been able to locate. TIA!


Anyone have the actual suicide vid of Christine Chubbuck? I saw someone mention that they saw the legit thing but it’s long lost footage


Kill 'em all
Yeah he was one sick fucker and apparently the thing that got him killing if he's to be believed was that he brought a young man a stranger in to his home and allowed him to spend the night and when he woke up in the morning the young man was standing over him with a knife,

He thought the man was going to kill him so he fought with him and took the knife and stabbed the young man to death, he then went in to the kitchen and realised the man was cooking breakfast for them both and had gone in the bedroom to wake Gacy up while still holding the knife he had been using...

And he said that killing that man was like the best orgasm he had ever had and he had to kill again 🤷‍♂️ how true that is we will never know
"how true that is we will never know" - well, we do know. Gacy was completely and utterly full of shit. I'm not saying that this wasn't his statement about his first murder because it was but you can pretty much discount everything this guy said, he was a total pathological liar. This coupled with his tenuous grasp on reality speaks for itself.

If Gacy was talking, Gacy was lying.
I think it has been deleted because minors were in the video
NZ govt made a request direct to Google and other big tech to have it removed - obviously there are still copies out there but was taken down to minimise right wing copycats