What made you view gore? (2 Viewers)

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Share why you either enjoy or view gore and what influenced you.
it's hard to explain and I dont think I have the right words to get it across properly....I came very close twice, in my teens the 1st time and in my early 20's the 2nd of succeeding in suicide. The 2nd time was so bad that I took 40 stitches and my bone was exposed. Only reason I survived was because I cut cross instead of length. ( Dont know if that makes any sense). After my Ex tried to kill me by bashing my head in later on and I spent a stint in the hospital, I discovered Rotten.com. and was in a VERY bad place. Over time I kept ending up in abusive relationships and after realizing that looking at Rotten made me feel better, I began to look at gore sites more, I would look at the pics when I felt I wanted to try suicide again and it made me feel "grateful'. I dont kno if that makes any sense but like the suicide pics made me feel grateful that I was not found that way and the accident or murder pics made me feel grateful that I still had a life to at least try to build something on and just maybe, it was selfish of me to try to take my own life because just maybe, I may meet someone someday whose life I may touch in a strong way and I just may mean something to another human being. Maybe I may be the catalyst that stops them from taking their life, or I may make them laugh and they can see life in a new light in some kind of way. I still look at gore sites ( however where I live now this is the only one left as the government has now shut down all the others) because it still reminds me of how I could have ended up, and how I may still end up someday, so I have to enjoy every second of life I have. The clock is always ticking and I am a Druid so we believe that our end is "predestined" in a way, fate u may call it, and if one day I do give up again, then thats the way it was meant to be, but hopefully I made a difference in at least one persons life so when its their time, they may be able to face it with a smile as I plan to do. I am not a shy person and have no problem being honest, that is part of why I LOVE this last last "gore" site I have left, because I can speak my mind and talk about reality without being censored or trashed by others for feeling the way I do about reality or for expressing myself. This "woke ass boo hoo baby" bullshit, needs to stop because after all I have been through, freedom of expression and freedom of speech are 2 of the most precious things we have as human beings in order to remain sane and healthy, and I am sick and fucking tired of the god damn woke fuckers taking it away from us!! Sorry about writing a damn book here, but U asked a legit question, so I choose to give a real answer, and it felt damn good to do so. At least until that freedom is taken from us here as well.


It's a not too long story, when I was 11 yo, since I lived back then in Mexico, there was so many deaths back then where I lived, and had to experience and view an accident from like meters away. People were screaming, running, calling 911, they were going crazy for the persons who were already dead, which was pointless to me to call for help because, *ahem* the ambulance and the cops weren't really gonna help at all, they were just gonna create a bigger disturbance, so well. It was around April, btw close days for my birthday, and well that accident crossing the street while me and my grandma were on our way back home because school had ended, that *terrible* accident happened, and I saw people cut off in half, people's bodies covered all up in blood, I remember one did not had his head, and some of them were just rolling themselves up of pain, but surely stopped and stayed where they were. I took my hand out of my grandma's hand and tried to run as fast as I could getting closer to one of the persons who was all covered up w blood and took his hand, and he told me to get away because this was not a place for kids, and all the people who was around was trying to get me away from the scene, but I didn't wanted to move, because I had the feeling of curiosity, and I wanted to see more, I didn't had no traumas, I didn't need help, I didn't wanted to move from the bodies because it was *interesting*, and kids from my school started talking by then saying I was weird and I was bullied before this accident happened so I tried to hide my insecurities by searching in YouTube "people dying". but nothing really came out, so I went to google and searched the same thing and the first website that it appeared it was some kind of forbidden website in Mexico where they only passed cartel deaths and suicide videos. That's how it all started, this is the way I viewed gore and surely started to get addicted to it. I didn't wanted to reveal to others that I was watching gore for about 5 years, and that I had an interest in blood, guns, death until I decided a couple months ago to show who I truly am, I have evil thoughts now on, and I could care less what people think about me watching gore or being interested in all these topics, and I could care less if they call me a school shooter, (because that's the usual way people view me now on irl), I don't mind anymore, my love for gore is public pretty much lmfao. this is the story.


Die, Fucker.
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Got the gore bug many moons ago. It started with hearing about a video called 'Faces of Death', Rotten.com, etc and went from there. I like pulling back the curtain and seeking out the things that the MSM or government deems 'abhorrent' and doesn't think a citizen should ever see.


Scum of the zone
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A macabre fascination with the end. With nothingness, death and the afterlife if there is one. Look at burned corpses or Decomposing corpses. A human once lived there. Talked, took breaths, ate food, felt emotions. Reduced to an object. No longer human.


bird law expert
I was always morbidly curious. Went from watching gory animal documentaries on animal planet as a young kid, to murder documentaries, to YouTube vids explaining creepy shit, to morbid subreddits (cringe, ik) and eventually got to shock sites. Viewing gore doesn’t bring me any kind of pleasure per say, I’m just extremely curious. That curiosity sometimes backfires, but I don’t often find myself seeking out things only to later regret having done so. The world is a huge place filled with things I will hopefully never see or experience first hand, but they’re still things I wish to know about and platforms like this allow me do just that.

Tyler Durden

Fuck Bud Light.
First video I saw was the Chechnya war crimes where they behead the Russian soldiers - I was about 12. Morbid curiosity brought me back and since then I've introduced it to a few people.

Now I watch it for my daily dose of entertainment and wind down. I love the shock factor and it's almost comparable to snippets into these crime documentaries.

Goregrish contributed to me enjoying gore more. There's an actual community (despite the weirdos who post fake homoerotic strangulation and poisoning) that I enjoy. @SPHINCTERPUNCH comments always makes me chuckle too.


I watch gore like you could watch a football match at the TV, it entertains me a lot and also helps me to exteriorize my murderous impulses and avoid being tempted to do it in real life

First time I heard of gore, I was like 13, a friend of mine told me about bestgore and showed me gore pictures, I instantly loved seeing people brutally murdered and violently dying, I sure was kind of a little psycho back then even if I hid it the best I could:dawhat:

Chief Queef

Last of the Mohicans
As pathetic as it may sound it was a movie called "ticks" for me. I always was aware of gore and seen my fair share but this movie made me graduate to a far darker aspect of what my impressionable prepubescent mind could fathom...


tropical darks
Morbid curiosity. I used to watch a lot of horror movies when I was a teenager, specially gore movies. I remember the first video I watched was the beheading of a journalist and it shocked me. But then I wanted to know what happens after a person is beheaded and went to a library and look for a forensics book, and started reading/watching crime scenes books/posts online (rotten was a fav)

Jessica Fletcher. 🍳

𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕𝚊 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑.
The Facebook group that would actually let me post the memes I wanted to was a gore group is how it began, that's where I met the lovely @H82Go8675309 (love you dear) and ended up joining lots of gore groups on various messaging apps and websites similar to this with their help and knowledge.


The Facebook group that would actually let me post the memes I wanted to was a gore group is how it began, that's where I met the lovely @H82Go8675309 (love you dear) and ended up joining lots of gore groups on various messaging apps and websites similar to this with their help and knowledge.




Essentially, my family made me watch the news.

When I was a young child, the local & national broadcast news was not censored in NYC & was quite graphic in comparison to today so, I guess that was my intro to "gore." They didn't blur out guts or nipples even. 🤭
Reporters & their cameramen got right in the shit & there must've been less time to edit or it was more live feed footage then but, in retrospect it was not very different, if at all, to many vids on this site tbf (i.e. aftermath, CCTV, etc.).
Watching recorded events regardless if it bleeds, well it's just life being documented I guess to me. 🤷‍♀️

[After thought: In reading my words above, I realize, the news is quite obviously, wtf is wrong with me. 🤣🤣🤣]


3rd World Country Reviewer
Got introduced to gore by a friend and kept watching because it was interesting, shows the sides of the world the media doesn't show, shows me the mistakes of what people do during fights(knifes, clubs, whatever weapon) a loose idea of how to right those wrongs and overall a good pastime.