Japans brutality and sadistic war tactics WW2 (2 Viewers)

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Well Known Member


Revolt Against the Modern World
Fuck all Japs. Too bad the A-Bomb didn't blow Japan off the earth.
But then we wouldn't have the invention of bukkake. C'mon.


Thank you Dirlewanger!
You may not realize it but I am American, im the grandson of a German POW in the US. I refuse to make war on a fellow white man. My race stands before any petty nationalism. The jew has programmed "joe six pack" to kill his brother for nothing more than an accent or financial system and we have done their bidding to the letter ever since. But I was referring to Hitlers breaking from Jewish high finance/stock market and returning to the gold standard. He referred to this kosher finance as the "Manchester mandate/system " in Mein Kampf. The real holocaust is how he totally destroyed Jewish banking monopoly. This they will never forgive him for this. But times are changing. " Gods chosen" have lost their foot soldiers in their fight against the Aryan. No one cares about their holohoax and they now have no one to fight their fight and hide behind. We are entering into very interesting times my friend!
Yes times are changing and fast.

It's interesting how people associate the working and death camps with Germany, when that concept was used way before the WW2 by other powers, which reflects the power of propaganda in a society.

Also people tend to associate those camps with the death of the jews, when a bigger number of other "dissidents" died. And the six million exploited by the little hats is mathematical and phisical impossible when we consider the rest of the victims.

I'm not denying the atrocities but i know that the number of victims were inflated, in order to inoculate the virus of guilt among the german population and it worked.

Since i'm from a country that was neutral in WW2 that worked with the axis powers as with the allies, we learned non biased history.
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Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯


“Your logic is flawed throughout your argument but you seem civil just miseducated so I will respond in like. Germany did NOT start WW2 but it was the Britain and France who declared war on Germany trying to back Poland in repeated attacks on German civilians on prior German territories given the poles afterww1. Hitler continually tried to reach a peaceful settlement with both parties but sadly both countries were more dedicated to the " Manchester mandate" than the security and well being of their empire and people. The most insane move Hitler committed was allowing the British forces to escape at Dunkirk instead of wiping them out completely. This showed Hitlers admiration and common cause with the British people. And let's not forget, it was ENGLAND, not Germany,who invented the concentration camp system to brutally wipe out the Boers which theu damn near succeed in. The British were always the most cruel and domineering with their colonial aspirations. It's only when killing their fellow Whites is it acceptable. The blame for 80 million plus lives falls directly at the feet of the British monarchy and their continually following the mandates of their Jewish masters.”

My response:

Poland was invaded by Hitler to begin what he said he wanted to do in Mein Kampf in 1925 which was for Germany to annex Eastern Europe for Aryan German settlers and exterminate or enslave the subhuman Slavic people. It wasn’t because German immigrants in Poland were being mistreated, that’s propaganda.

Also after WW1 Germany and the UK and others signed treaties that guaranteed polish independence. The Nazis broke those treaties, the UK, by declaring war, was enforcing them.

Your trail about the “Manchester mandate” is a false one. The Conservative Party who were the government, the royal family, most of the aristocracy and industrialists wanted to and did suck up to and appease Hitler because they did believe that Hitler really meant the insane things he said in his book but Hitler proved that he did no only by invading Poland, and treating its people like vermin, but by invading France to regain Germany’s glory and cancel out the “stab in the back” myth that the Nazis believed in.

We don’t know exactly why, because we don’t have Hitlers words explaining why, he halt his panzer division but it wasn’t out of grace and respect for the British that’s absurd. It was apparently because his panzer division were overstretched, France had not yet surrendered, he didn’t want to risk it. Also i’ve read that Goring, scum head of the Nazi Luftwaffe, convinced Hitler to let him destroy them on the beach from the air which as we know didn’t work out so well.

I don’t know if they did invent the system, maybe they did to hold Boers POWs but they didn’t invent the gas chambers and the concept of an extermination camp. The Nazis did. The British were not the most cruel empire at all. Mussolini in Africa, Belgian Congo, the Spanish in the Americas. All worse and their are more examples.

Imperialism, even British, wasn’t pretty sure and there were massacres and atrocities but if i was an African, or an Asian around in the high point of European imperialism, i would absolutely want to be in a British colony.

You say “It's only when killing their fellow Whites is it acceptable. The blame for 80 million plus lives falls directly at the feet of the British monarchy and their continually following the mandates of their Jewish masters.”

Elaborate on the meaning of the first sentence. Also what 80 million people? Not gonna bother with the jewish master paranoid garbage..


You a fucking Nazi fascist mofo! I retract my apology for calling you a nazi. I’ll ass fuck you and then so throat fuck you so you can taste your own shit!!!

Now, to respond to what you said…


“100% correct!!! .... The best about the clown Eric Blair is when he compares the allies' war crimes as being less evil or more morally acceptable.

You forgot one thing, when Hitler came to power one of the reasons he was hated by the western powers was his rejection regarding the International Banking runned by the jews.

All what you said are historical facts.”


Neither are morally acceptable, i’d hesitate to call either evil. Horrifying, disgusting, tragic of course, but evil is a term i don’t like applying to all bad things. I am saying the Nazis and, to an extent, the Germans are not the side with the moral high ground in that war. Quite the opposite.

He rejected international banking because it wasn’t in his interest to support it. Building a Nazi Empire required rejecting it.

@KiKeKrusher88, my response to your response to DIRTwanger


“Thank you Dirlewanger!

You may not realize it but I am American, im the grandson of a German POW in the US. I refuse to make war on a fellow white man. My race stands before any petty nationalism.

The jew has programmed "joe six pack" to kill his brother for nothing more than an accent or financial system and we have done their bidding to the letter ever since. But I was referring to Hitlers breaking from Jewish high finance/stock market and returning to the gold standard. He referred to this kosher finance as the "Manchester mandate/system " in Mein Kampf. The real holocaust is how he totally destroye Jewish banking monopoly. This they will never forgive him for this. But times are changing. " Gods chosen" have lost their foot soldiers in their fight against the Aryan. No one cares about their holohoax and they now have no one to fight their fight and hide behind. We are entering into very interesting times my friend!”


Im the great grandson and nephew of ww2 vets. I have one of their ww2 army uniform in the closet in the next room. You spit on their grave. Also the antisemitic stuff is just, ya know, go to a psychiatrist please.


Christopher Hitchens hosting and interview Tom Metzger and his son John. Lots of great hitchslaps in this video!



Well Known Member
You are crude and ignorant. Germany "invaded" Danzig...now Gdansk given to the poles following ww1. His territorial aspirations would have ended there had Danzig an ancient GERMAN port city been given back to Germany and the actual immigrants (poles) stopped ethmic genocide against NATIVE Germans. I do not spit on your families memory as you do mine ( I'm assuming you're Aryan?) my grandfather said how hard it was to shoot "his brothers" so who is the hater. Long debunked holohoax myths are no argument either. You are wrong in all your arguments, you don't even know your own countries history. Britainia rules NOTHING, it's not even British anymore thanks to the Jews you so sickening lap dog to. I'm dealing in facts that can easily be verified with the slightest of effort. You've only brought outdated war propaganda,half truths, and your own petty prejudices. What does tom Metzger have to do with anything ? He's still brighter than any of your coddled sissy monarchy


Revolt Against the Modern World


“Your logic is flawed throughout your argument but you seem civil just miseducated so I will respond in like. Germany did NOT start WW2 but it was the Britain and France who declared war on Germany trying to back Poland in repeated attacks on German civilians on prior German territories given the poles afterww1. Hitler continually tried to reach a peaceful settlement with both parties but sadly both countries were more dedicated to the " Manchester mandate" than the security and well being of their empire and people. The most insane move Hitler committed was allowing the British forces to escape at Dunkirk instead of wiping them out completely. This showed Hitlers admiration and common cause with the British people. And let's not forget, it was ENGLAND, not Germany,who invented the concentration camp system to brutally wipe out the Boers which theu damn near succeed in. The British were always the most cruel and domineering with their colonial aspirations. It's only when killing their fellow Whites is it acceptable. The blame for 80 million plus lives falls directly at the feet of the British monarchy and their continually following the mandates of their Jewish masters.”

My response:

Poland was invaded by Hitler to begin what he said he wanted to do in Mein Kampf in 1925 which was for Germany to annex Eastern Europe for Aryan German settlers and exterminate or enslave the subhuman Slavic people. It wasn’t because German immigrants in Poland were being mistreated, that’s propaganda.

Also after WW1 Germany and the UK and others signed treaties that guaranteed polish independence. The Nazis broke those treaties, the UK, by declaring war, was enforcing them.

Your trail about the “Manchester mandate” is a false one. The Conservative Party who were the government, the royal family, most of the aristocracy and industrialists wanted to and did suck up to and appease Hitler because they did believe that Hitler really meant the insane things he said in his book but Hitler proved that he did no only by invading Poland, and treating its people like vermin, but by invading France to regain Germany’s glory and cancel out the “stab in the back” myth that the Nazis believed in.

We don’t know exactly why, because we don’t have Hitlers words explaining why, he halt his panzer division but it wasn’t out of grace and respect for the British that’s absurd. It was apparently because his panzer division were overstretched, France had not yet surrendered, he didn’t want to risk it. Also i’ve read that Goring, scum head of the Nazi Luftwaffe, convinced Hitler to let him destroy them on the beach from the air which as we know didn’t work out so well.

I don’t know if they did invent the system, maybe they did to hold Boers POWs but they didn’t invent the gas chambers and the concept of an extermination camp. The Nazis did. The British were not the most cruel empire at all. Mussolini in Africa, Belgian Congo, the Spanish in the Americas. All worse and their are more examples.

Imperialism, even British, wasn’t pretty sure and there were massacres and atrocities but if i was an African, or an Asian around in the high point of European imperialism, i would absolutely want to be in a British colony.

You say “It's only when killing their fellow Whites is it acceptable. The blame for 80 million plus lives falls directly at the feet of the British monarchy and their continually following the mandates of their Jewish masters.”

Elaborate on the meaning of the first sentence. Also what 80 million people? Not gonna bother with the jewish master paranoid garbage..


You a fucking Nazi fascist mofo! I retract my apology for calling you a nazi. I’ll ass fuck you and then so throat fuck you so you can taste your own shit!!!

Now, to respond to what you said…


“100% correct!!! .... The best about the clown Eric Blair is when he compares the allies' war crimes as being less evil or more morally acceptable.

You forgot one thing, when Hitler came to power one of the reasons he was hated by the western powers was his rejection regarding the International Banking runned by the jews.

All what you said are historical facts.”


Neither are morally acceptable, i’d hesitate to call either evil. Horrifying, disgusting, tragic of course, but evil is a term i don’t like applying to all bad things. I am saying the Nazis and, to an extent, the Germans are not the side with the moral high ground in that war. Quite the opposite.

He rejected international banking because it wasn’t in his interest to support it. Building a Nazi Empire required rejecting it.

@KiKeKrusher88, my response to your response to DIRTwanger


“Thank you Dirlewanger!

You may not realize it but I am American, im the grandson of a German POW in the US. I refuse to make war on a fellow white man. My race stands before any petty nationalism.

The jew has programmed "joe six pack" to kill his brother for nothing more than an accent or financial system and we have done their bidding to the letter ever since. But I was referring to Hitlers breaking from Jewish high finance/stock market and returning to the gold standard. He referred to this kosher finance as the "Manchester mandate/system " in Mein Kampf. The real holocaust is how he totally destroye Jewish banking monopoly. This they will never forgive him for this. But times are changing. " Gods chosen" have lost their foot soldiers in their fight against the Aryan. No one cares about their holohoax and they now have no one to fight their fight and hide behind. We are entering into very interesting times my friend!”


Im the great grandson and nephew of ww2 vets. I have one of their ww2 army uniform in the closet in the next room. You spit on their grave. Also the antisemitic stuff is just, ya know, go to a psychiatrist please.


Christopher Hitchens hosting and interview Tom Metzger and his son John. Lots of great hitchslaps in this video!

Not only your deeply retarded, your a liberal piece of shit, degenerate and ignorant. Dye your hair purple bitch. I guess a hit a nerve. Haha.

Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
Not only your deeply retarded, your a liberal piece of shit, degenerate and ignorant. Dye your hair purple bitch. I guess a hit a nerve. Haha.
Dirlwanger… I like sparing with you, i don't like you as a person. You’re a slimy rude lying cocksucker. As fun as these ad hominem’s are they aren't an argument.

Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
You are crude and ignorant. Germany "invaded" Danzig...now Gdansk given to the poles following ww1. His territorial aspirations would have ended there had Danzig an ancient GERMAN port city been given back to Germany and the actual immigrants (poles) stopped ethmic genocide against NATIVE Germans. I do not spit on your families memory as you do mine ( I'm assuming you're Aryan?) my grandfather said how hard it was to shoot "his brothers" so who is the hater. Long debunked holohoax myths are no argument either. You are wrong in all your arguments, you don't even know your own countries history. Britainia rules NOTHING, it's not even British anymore thanks to the Jews you so sickening lap dog to. I'm dealing in facts that can easily be verified with the slightest of effort. You've only brought outdated war propaganda,half truths, and your own petty prejudices. What does tom Metzger have to do with anything ? He's still brighter than any of your coddled sissy monarchy
No sir, Germany carved up Poland with the Soviet Union so stop the nonsense. Fighting the Nazis was the last thing the Allies wanted to do. There were exceptions to this like Churchill who realized early that Hitler meant what he said in Mien Kampf and was an irrational fanatic. If you’ve read it, you Franco wannabe, then you know the plans Adolf has for Eastern Europe. No I’m not Aryan, and Im not British either. I’m an American mutt. As far as the antisemitism, its a symptom of bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia and thats my only response needed. You’re a Nazi lapdog.


Revolt Against the Modern World
Dirlwanger… I like sparing with you, i don't like you as a person. You’re a slimy rude lying cocksucker. As fun as these ad hominem’s are they aren't an argument.
Always talking about cock, it's no wonder you like trannies so much...not to mention the other disgusting topic you made...if I saw you in person you would already be minced meat by now.

...and i don't give a fuck about your opinion about my person....i'm not here to please you, you fucking trash.

Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
Always talking about cock, it's no wonder you like trannies so much...not to mention the other disgusting topic you made...if I saw you in person you would already be minced meat by now.

...and i don't give a fuck about your opinion about my person....i'm not here to please you, you fucking trash.
i love trannies you didn't know that and look at you talking about meat again…

You are here to please me Wangy, you are my bitch. I’m the cat you are the mouse that i bat around. I may be trash but at least I'm not a reactionary pig like yourself.


Revolt Against the Modern World
i love trannies you didn't know that and look at you talking about meat again…

You are here to please me Wangy, you are my bitch. I’m the cat you are the mouse that i bat around. I may be trash but at least I'm not a reactionary pig like yourself.
You are one of the dumbest fucks of this forum kid.

Of course i'm a reactionary, i don't live in wonderland, keep burning your brain so you can't have critical thinking...your masters are pleased.

Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
You are one of the dumbest fucks of this forum kid.

Of course i'm a reactionary, i don't live in wonderland, keep burning your brain so you can't have critical thinking...your masters are pleased.
It’s weird cuz i think that you are the dumbest fuck on this forum.

Glad to hear you admit it Nazi scum. I know you dont live in wonderland, you live in hell. Burning my brain what the fuck are you talking about? And who are my masters? The only master i have is masturbating.


Revolt Against the Modern World
It’s weird cuz i think that you are the dumbest fuck on this forum.

Glad to hear you admit it Nazi scum. I know you dont live in wonderland, you live in hell. Burning my brain what the fuck are you talking about? And who are my masters? The only master i have is masturbating.
So i'm nazi because i have an avatar of a war movie and a user name of a WW2 criminal. If i change my avatar to a serial killer picture and change my name to Ted Bundy that makes me a potential murderer , according to your logic. :ahahaha: See? You're the dumbest piece of excrement of this forum.

I'm glad you like trannies at least you won't have children.

And your a typical degenerate libtard: "everybody who doesn't agree with me is a nazi. ".... If that's an insult you need to try harder.
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Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
So i'm nazi because i have an avatar of a war movie and a user name of a WW2 criminal. If i change my avatar to a serial killer picture and change my name to Ted Bundy that makes me a potential murderer , according to your logic. :ahahaha: See? You're the dumbest piece of excrement of this forum.

I'm glad you like trannies at least you won't have children.

And your a typical degenerate libtard: "everybody who doesn't agree with me is a nazi. ".... If that's an insult you need to try harder.
Dude you were arguing that the international banking is run by the jews, and you said the other nazi creep was 100 correct and he said the allies were directed by their “jewish masters” to fight Hitler. Thats why i call you Nazi fucko or you are the VERY least a nazi apologist. It has nothing to do with your stupid profile. I like women dumbo and im not procreating anytime soon.


Revolt Against the Modern World
Dude you were arguing that the international banking is run by the jews, and you said the other nazi creep was 100 correct and he said the allies were directed by their “jewish masters” to fight Hitler. Thats why i call you Nazi fucko or you are the VERY least a nazi apologist. It has nothing to do with your stupid profile. I like women dumbo and im not procreating anytime soon.
International banking is mostly runned by hyper rich jewish families, don't you know that?

He is right because he told you historical facts and not propaganda, it was the allies who declared war on Germany and these Jewish “masters” were the people with money, the bankers, people who could buy entire nations. You need to put things into perspective. Of course, many Jews died and they weren't even rich, in fact it was the lower classes who went into the oven. The filthy rich no one died.

I'm glad you're not thinking about procreating, after your thread about trannies grooming kids in school, I don't think you have the ability to raise a mentally stable human.

Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
The Jews won the war. England destroyed itself fighting a brothers war. The whole world has to pay because the British thought they could double cross the Jews via the balfor declaration. England is a shell of it's former self....
The only correct thing in that is England destroying itself and thats not even really accurate. Britain destroyed its empire because of two world wars.

International banking is mostly runned by hyper rich jewish families, don't you know that?

He is right because he told you historical facts and not propaganda, it was the allies who declared war on Germany and these Jewish “masters” were the people with money, the bankers, people who could buy entire nations. You need to put things into perspective. Of course, many Jews died and they weren't even rich, in fact it was the lower classes who went into the oven. The filthy rich no one died.

I'm glad you're not thinking about procreating, after your thread about trannies grooming kids in school, I don't think you have the ability to raise a mentally stable human.
There are old jewish families in banking because stupid christian prohibitions on banking prevented them for doing it like Jews but thats as far as that goes and thats no longer the case.

Also Germany broke a treaty ok, the nazis knew that the response would be war and they didn't care because they wanted one.

The filthy rich always escape war Jew or not because they have the money to, whats your point? It wasnt just poor jews that died, doctors and lawyers were killed too.

I said im not procreating soon. You’re so irrational i’d say the same to you but sadly you already have kids.
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Revolt Against the Modern World
I said im not procreating soon. You’re so irrational i’d say the same to you but sadly you already have kids.
Yeah and unlike you they aren't worthless idiots.

You're clueless about the topic. Keep burning your one cell brain with acid and call me irrational. Now go eat your cereals mommy is calling.
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Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
Yeah and unlike you they aren't worthless idiots.

You're clueless about the topic. Keep burning your one cell brain with acid and call me irrational. Now go eat your cereals mommy is calling.
I hate my mom and your comment about LSD shows how dumb you are. Go drink you Coord light, it will be great for your brain cells.

I don’t know your kids, I know you. I just hope for your sake one them isn't gay or trans or becomes left wing…


Revolt Against the Modern World
I hate my mom and your comment about LSD shows how dumb you are. Go drink you Coord light, it will be great for your brain cells.

I don’t know your kids, I know you. I just hope for your sake one them isn't gay or trans or becomes left wing…