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Sensitive Leather

mhm~ tasty
I know the one. I was sure the title was something like…

‘Most graphic beheading I’ve seen’

But I’ve tried searching in many different ways and can’t find that thread.
Yeah I vaguely remember it like this actually, just struck to me earlier and I just wanted to see it again, but my ass forgot to save it

Iraq gets cold sometimes.

Beheadings are so passé.
True, but this one had steam/vapor coming from the blood due to the temperature at the time, so it was pretty unique


Looking for the video of the scandinavian backpacker being decapitated in morocco

I have it. There were 2 vidoes uploaded in see gore .com and I have downloaded 2, But it's lost in my files. I have a 2 min edited video of that currently. If i search, I might get it. Remind me tomarrow



Does anyone have the Aidan Mann Ireland stabbing video that was supposedly going around on social media back in January of this year?

Kike Striker

Cum Lord
Does anyone have the discord murder video? I had the video a while ago but lost it. Basically it's a video of a guy committing murder by beating and stomping on an elderly lady until she's out cold , then preceding to slit the victim's throat. The guy committing the murder was videoing it via discord. The discord call consisted of 2 people.

Lord Gutsy

Chinking The Fuck Out
Super Moderator
Does anyone have the discord murder video? I had the video a while ago but lost it. Basically it's a video of a guy committing murder by beating and stomping on an elderly lady until she's out cold , then preceding to slit the victim's throat. The guy committing the murder was videoing it via discord. The discord call consisted of 2 people.


Somewhat rancid; allegedly.
I'm looking for a video that's supposedly titled "retarded nigger gets turned into ground beef"

From what I heard of it, a pack of southern racists tie a black guy to a tree and he gets continuously shot with about five shotguns over and over, effectively turning him into at least 60% skeleton.

Thank you.


95T exp
If anyone knows anything, can you find the CCTV footage from the "Robot 23 Regina Allen Elsea Incident"? I was reading some articles, then found out about this and hear there was footage of this, but couldn't find it.
I am also keen to know if this footage is online...


I’m curious to see that... but at the same time, i don’t know if i want to see it... choosing between burning to death or jumping to their own death makes me sad/angry... i still love watching terrorists die...

I don't know if I answered this Richard - I was searching for the above post - OgrishForum has gone, never to reappear - we will never see the 9/11 thread unless someone kept it...


Looking for a vid of a woman in a white dress getting shot at night. She takes two to the chest before falling over, probably somewhere in Asia.


Looking for GoPro footage from the point of view of an American soldier. He's hit and is screaming until hes hit some more times. Trying to find it with the audio also intact. Thanks


Yeezus just rose again
I'm looking for a video that's supposedly titled "retarded nigger gets turned into ground beef"

From what I heard of it, a pack of southern racists tie a black guy to a tree and he gets continuously shot with about five shotguns over and over, effectively turning him into at least 60% skeleton.

Thank you.
Hey dude, sorry to tell you but that video was debunked as never having had existed. Would’ve loved to have seen it tho!