Would you ever kill someone? (1 Viewer)

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GG Resident Tax CPA and Shekel Counter
I would kill my former step-dad. He raped my brothers and I repeatedly. He's on the sex offender registry so I know exactly where he lives. I think I would hang him by his thumbs and let him starve, film the whole thing, and send it to his sister. She helped him leave the country shortly after he was busted so she deserves something.

You would be da MVP if you post it on here for all of us to see :)


A Hump Back Whale can ejaculate almost 30 to 40 pints of sperm in a single mating session at one time. Frankly I am surprised we have not seen a fucked video of some perv trying to catch it in his ass like the dead dude after the horse...


Knock Knock
There is someone I would luv to kill.