Japans brutality and sadistic war tactics WW2 (7 Viewers)

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Jap bastards got a bit of their own back at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Brutal cunts.
Nah. Hirohito was a mason and complicit with mason Truman on that one. All leaders in WW2 were masons: Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, Hirohito, Truman, Roosevelt, Mussolini... all mason brethren's in the same satanic occultist secret society. Same as today: Trump, Biden, Boris Johnson, Xu Jingpin, Kim Jong Un, Putin, etc all freemason brethren's. It is the sheeple civilians and grunts who sign up or get drafted to the army as cannon fodder who perish. Meanwhile all mason leaders laugh at how utterly stupid the “goyem” are killing each other.


Forum Veteran
And American, Italian, British, German and RUSSIAN, troops all expelled the same energy on revenge. Yeah, the Japanese were brutal to prisoners and civillians alike, but no different than that of any other conquerer through history. It is what it is.

You see the truth.
Beheadings would of been more merciful than the slow torture deaths experienced by Afgahnistani " suspects" in American Military prisons .


Isn’t Japan revered for its culture of respect and kindness .

Hey, can you tell me where I can get the sources? Really need to find WW2 Gore photos for my research about Japanese Barbarism in the Pacific; I'm trying to find some pictures about the "Manila Massacre". I've read a book on how the Japanese gouged Filipino childrens' eyes out from their skull and proceed to swing them against a wall, annoyed by their screams they proceeded to murk them by swinging their heads against a tree, something like that. And may as well leave this here

What the hell is that !?
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Forum Veteran
Nagasaki and Hiroshima wasn't enogh. The whole fuckin island should have been nuked off the map for what those slopes did to our guys in WW2.


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And American, Italian, British, German and RUSSIAN, troops all expelled the same energy on revenge. Yeah, the Japanese were brutal to prisoners and civillians alike, but no different than that of any other conquerer through history. It is what it is.
Not on the same level or with such abject soulless cruelty. I do not deny acts of vengeance were common, but slaughtering of civilians and POWs as sport was not the norm for Americans. Japanese went out of their way to commit atrocities. the only parallel was the firebombing of cities by the USAF. But if a country trains women to charge armed men with nothing more than sharp sticks well you have to make it clear we are not going to fuck around.

My great grandpa was fighting Japs, combat medic. Hated them until the day he died. Given what he saw I'd probably be the same way.
I arrived late (becuase we took a fucking bus) for the 50th anniversary of Pearl Harbor on December 7th. POTUS Bush Sr spoke, he was a pilot back then so he was clued into WTF went on. Anyway some Japanese were there younger people taking photos and I hear some grizzled Navy Vet (by his hat) shout what the fuck are they doing here. Then a few seconds later some Marine was like I guess we did not kill enough of them, Some other grumbles of this is insulting and whatnot.

Honestly kind of funny the Jap either ignored it our had no clue. Honestly all Japanese people I ever met were super nice and friendly. Even a brother of a Kamakazi pilot I met while working on his home after Hurrican Iniki.

I was there with a group of my fellow 25th ID guys Wich got a warm welcome by the old vets It was a good day, Sad but good. Although I could never bring myself to visit the Arizona memorial, too many ghosts.
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Zargon the great

Well Known Member
Why has uncle sam a German M40 helmet on? The men in the background don't look like uncle sams too.

But Chinese had the Mauser C96 handgun and this helmet.
"Uncle Sam" WTF are you talking about? It's a Nationalist Chinese soldier executing a suspected Communist.


Not on the same level or with such abject soulless cruelty. I do not deny acts of vengeance were common, but slaughtering of civilians and POWs as sport was not the norm for Americans. Japanese went out of their way to commit atrocities. the only parallel was the firebombing of cities by the USAF. But if a country trains women to charge armed men with nothing more than sharp sticks well you have to make it clear we are not going to fuck around.


I was there with a group of my fellow 25th ID guys Wich got a warm welcome by the old vets It was a good day, Sad but good. Although I could never bring myself to visit the Arizona memorial, too many ghosts.

Slaughtering civilians is the bread & butter of American military history. I can cite numerous examples, North Korea being levelled to the ground, general Curtis LeMay famously said: “We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea”.


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Slaughtering civilians is the bread & butter of American military history. I can cite numerous examples, North Korea being levelled to the ground, general Curtis LeMay famously said: “We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea”.
Get fucked, hardly. It happens nad because you burn places does not mean you kill people. We should have nuked China and North Korea the world would have been a better place for it.



Don't forget the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, a segregated Japanese American unit, is remembered today for its brave actions in World War II. Despite the odds, the 442nd’s actions distinguished them as the most decorated unit for its size and length of service in the history of the US military.

This always amazed me a Jap US unit in WW2 that I never heard of them until about 10 years ago.


Forum Veteran
And American, Italian, British, German and RUSSIAN, troops all expelled the same energy on revenge. Yeah, the Japanese were brutal to prisoners and civillians alike, but no different than that of any other conquerer through history. It is what it is.
No, you're wrong there. The Japs were and are weird cats who were total cunts in ww2. different to other races. although the Nazis could challenge them on cruelty in war.

We saw them as vermin that had to be wiped out, and did so. Qualitatively different to the west...

Chief Queef

Last of the Mohicans
Makes me giggle like a lunatic to see all these "atrocities" pinned on the German people with the majority of the masses being none the wiser...oye vey, but muh sufferin!


Forum Veteran
No, you're wrong there. The Japs were and are weird cats who were total cunts in ww2. different to other races. although the Nazis could challenge them on cruelty in war.

We saw them as vermin that had to be wiped out, and did so. Qualitatively different to the west...
The Japanese were so bad that the SS abandoned them several times when they were in the philipeans because their war crimes were too much for them. To say they were just another bad army in history isn't accurate. They were a unique and new kind of evil. But look at them now lol. I live them.