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Rotten World
Hello, I am looking for a video of a man who hanged himself and was found in a state of decomposition, his corpse was swollen and he was still hanging, I remember that the video was from Asia and the men who found him came out laughing.


Hi I'm looking for this video that was released yesterday apparently.
A female Armenian soldier was raped and mutilated

Any luck with this? Similarly, are there any new female beheading videos we've not see on the site before??


Forum Veteran
Does anyone have the video of the las Vegas massacre shooting where a guy is filing victims lying dead or dying pretending to help them?


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Video of a guy injecting (presumably) acid up his urethra before the outer layer rips apart and leaks melted stuff everywhere ''like a mozzarella stick''. A friend of mine came across this video on LiveLeak a while back, but it was deleted before I could catch a glimpse of it. Even 4chan couldn't help me with this one.


S000Is there a full video of the policeman shooting Ethan freeman in Thornton new Hampshire? Seen a version that shows up to right when he got shot but it stops before he even walks up to him


Video of women and her boyfriend tied up. woman is later beheaded supposedly by cheznian gangsters. Video is old, taken in nighttime, no color on video but not black and white. Cannot find it anymore.


Forum Veteran
^^ I luv u ^^

Does anyone has the vid of former Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife's execution?

I remember seeing it posted on either UR or OG years back.

link The actual execution was missed by the cameraman because they were so fucking paranoid soldiers aligned with Caucescu were going to turn up any second and rescue him so they literally started shooting while he was getting his camera ready.


Screenshot 2022-05-28 124721.jpg

Anyone have a link to this video?


don't do that
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Video of women and her boyfriend tied up. woman is later beheaded supposedly by cheznian gangsters. Video is old, taken in nighttime, no color on video but not black and white. Cannot find it anymore.
IDK if a clean video is posted anywhere, this is covered in logos.


I watched some time ago a drug addict in a hospital who was shot in the face but i cant find it back, can somebody find it?


Are there any gory images or videos from the recent Thailand massacre? Kind of surprised there isn’t a thread for that yet.


don't do that
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Does anyone have the video of the las Vegas massacre shooting where a guy is filing victims lying dead or dying pretending to help them?
You're in luck, it was posted to a whatsapp chat the other day. It was 5 years ago on the 1st Oct I think.
It's a bit too big to upload directly, 70 meg, I'll upload to a video streaming site and add a link here later.