Would you ever kill someone? (2 Viewers)

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No, I'm way to gentle nature to stab somebody. I've never even been in a fist fight. But if it was anything to do with my loved ones I wouldn't hesitate to do whatever needs to be done.


The meaning of life is that it stops.
If i would ever kill some? ... If i could do it without consequenses, i wouldnt mind executing, or torturing random child or animal abusers to death. But to me, child/animal abusers, simply doesnt count as a human, so i wouldnt consider them human anyway, they are a pice of trash that needs to be removed from the face of the earth.

But if you are asking me to break the law doing it, i can't say for sure... Other then that if someone hurt my mother, he/she would become an organ donor while kept alive and awake to watch the organs/limbs getting removed with no analgesic drugs.
And belive me, some medicin can keep you alive and feel, but unable to move, for a lot longer then you would like too.

However i'm sure, that giving the right circumstances, any human would be perfectly capable of taking another's life.


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Let It All Bleed Out
Besides the thread title "Would You...?" comes the next part: "Could You?" Almost semantics but the "Could you" would imply that one has the means (a weapon set aside or intended for use as a deadly weapon) to actually kill another human.

Ya, I know everyone has an M4A1 on the porch, or a pump shotgun, also loads of .45's and Magnums, cross bows, .50 cals, grandpa has a .22 somewhere, and maybe the odd Tiger tank or RPG in the shed or closet, but how many really have the equipment to kill along with the affirmative that they "would" kill (given the circumstances)? And yes, steak knives and paper scissors included :)


silent ghost
i could and i would. almost did too. i was in a fight with some dude and beat the shit out of him pretty bad. he was on the ground,i sat on his chest and told him,"you are now going to die". i proceeded to choke him. yes he was gasping and flailing his arms around. while this was all happening,a few guys tried to pull me off of this person. when i "came back",i looked around and saw all these people watching this. i let go of the guy because there were a lot of witnesses to what i was doing. i then got up and left.
anyone could shoot or stab. i prefer to get all up and personal. i want to look in they're eyes and want them to look into mine as they take their last breath.


Premium Member Bitches!
i could and i would. almost did too. i was in a fight with some dude and beat the shit out of him pretty bad. he was on the ground,i sat on his chest and told him,"you are now going to die". i proceeded to choke him. yes he was gasping and flailing his arms around. while this was all happening,a few guys tried to pull me off of this person. when i "came back",i looked around and saw all these people watching this. i let go of the guy because there were a lot of witnesses to what i was doing. i then got up and left.
anyone could shoot or stab. i prefer to get all up and personal. i want to look in they're eyes and want them to look into mine as they take their last breath.
What was the fight over?


We are Kings
Ya, I know everyone has an M4A1 on the porch, or a pump shotgun, also loads of .45's and Magnums, cross bows, .50 cals, grandpa has a .22 somewhere, and maybe the odd Tiger tank or RPG in the shed or closet, but how many really have the equipment to kill along with the affirmative that they "would" kill (given the circumstances)? And yes, steak knives and paper scissors included

The only equipment is need is your hands everything else is an accessory. It's when you get to the point you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by tearing someones throat out, in front of their family if possible, that's when you really know you've made it. Premeditated. I don't think anyone posting on gg is going postal just yet, maybe close though. The rest here is self defense and probably oh fuck I kicked him one too many times whoops he died.


The hair-flip of death
money. a lot of altercations are about money. the guy owed almost a thousand bux

I don't know if it's worth killing someone over money. Beating the living snot out of them, yes. But killing them? Naawww....not worth the jail time. Glad you stopped short.

There was this one woman who owed me big time for babysitting her kids. When I came to collect, she called me racial slurs and slammed the door on me. Yeah...I have to admit that I wanted her dead at that moment. But no....not worth it over 400.00 dollars and some cheesy name calling.