Would you ever kill someone? (4 Viewers)

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just self-defense or burglary in Modern stable society ( I have a good job $$$, my dick gets sucked regularly, I have high-speed fiber internet, great mexican & thai restaurants around me - life is awesome) . Now if it was some end of the world & with no order situation= Savage with my trusty Ar15's - SHTF armory.


Fresh Meat
Self Defense and when I can take justice on a rapist or murder of a child without getting caught because they would sue me even tho he deserved it


Not unless I absolutely had to. Even though I see all life on a level field, I only feel the need to kill for food or self defense (in which you are sure your attacker will not stop until you are dead eg: a bear attack or being on an active battlefield). Anything less than that seems unnecessary and a waste of a potential resources.


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Yea I would for money. Not cheap money, like good money that would set me up for a few generations. Id change though, there’s no going back after officially passing that moral line.
Would you ever kill someone? If so, under what circumstances? If not, why?
There used to be a time in my life where i made it a promise to myself that when i have a justified chance to kill. I would definitely kill. No matter what, i used to fantasize about killing, torturing and feel lust to do so. But that was years ago i was unhappy and alcoholic. I still drink too much but i feel better now. I dont see a need to kill nor feel like i cannot be merciful. I wish others a happy life. And i hope i dont have to kill in vain. And if i do i hope it would be for a greater good.


If last resort self-defense or to protect another in an extreme situation.
But otherwise....
No.! Absolutely Not!
im going to assume that wholesale slaughter of the opposition in time of war does not count..... thats all i got for you, but.... what that does for some slightly screwy individuals (me) is make it easier to just draw and fire on some asshole that needs it so very badly, on my little list are, animal/child/woman abusers, and if you catch me just right, your reward for being a thief is 240 grains of lead. im not saying i would be in the right in all cases, im just a little bit... crazy? and my newly revived alcohol habit hasn't helped. having 2 wives die has warped my sense of right/wrong somewhat. crazy? most likely... edit to add a sprinkling of those little punctuation marks, i know i missed some anyway, several liters of zinfzndel does that.